What is image ALT text and why is so important for SEO optimalization?

what is ALT text nad why is so important for SEO

Image ALT text (also known as alt tags or alt attributes) is a brief description that is added to an image in the HTML code of a webpage. This text is used to describe the content of an image to search engines and website visitors who are visually impaired or have a slow internet connection and cannot load the images. The ALT text provides context for an image, and it should be written with both search engines and users in mind. It should accurately describe the image, be concise, and include relevant keywords. By providing … Read more

How to set up SSL for WordPress with Cloudflare DNS

Jak nastavit SSL u webu na WordPressu a používání služby Clouflare

If you have web hosting set up with any web hosting provider but also use DNS servers and services from CloudFlare, sooner or later you will probably need to address how to set up HTTPS traffic on your website. CloudFlare offers several available options that we will look at today. Not all of them can be used all the time, and not all of them work without assistance with WordPress. So we will thoroughly discuss how to set up SSL for WordPress with Cloudflare DNS. What does Cloudflare do? Cloudflare is a company that provides … Read more

How to recognize online scams and phishing?

Jak poznat online podvody a phishing?

How to recognize online scams and phishing? Online scams have become increasingly common in recent times. They involve fraudulent theft of confidential data, unauthorized access, payments, and investments in nonexistent companies or organizations. Online scams usually involve emails or SMS messages that attempt to appear as if they originate from reliable sources. They often include logos of well-known companies, banking institutions, or even public institutions. This phenomenon is known as phishing, and like any electronic fraud, it operates deceptively, making it difficult for a layperson to detect. This is especially true in cases where you … Read more

How to change the WordPress admin URL address

Jak změnit URL adresu administrace ve WordPressu

Administration is considered a key element of the entire WordPress content management system. As such, it becomes a target for many attacks and attackers. These can be simple, such as brute force attacks, or more sophisticated, where various security vulnerabilities are exploited. The primary goal of any WordPress website owner should be to protect their administration area. That mean, no unauthorized person can gain access to it. This can be achieved in many ways, one of which is changing the primary URL of the WordPress administration area. This can at least confuse the robot performing … Read more

What is Z-Index in Elementor and what is it used for?


Z-Index in Elementor is a feature that allows you to set the layer on which a particular element will appear. Each element on a page has its Z-Index value set implicitly, which determines how it will be displayed relative to other elements on the page. An element with a higher Z-Index will be displayed in front of an element with a lower Z-Index. Let’s take a closer look at the topic, what is Z-Index in Elementor and what is it used for? What is Z-Index in Elementor and what is it used for? To set … Read more

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