Difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

Jaký je rozdíl mezi Wordpress.com a Wordpress.org?

WordPress is a very popular open-source platform for managing websites, currently used on more than 40% of all websites on the internet. When talking about WordPress, we often come across two different terms – specifically, “WordPress.com” and “WordPress.org“. These two terms refer to two different platforms, each with their own distinct features, functions, and usage methods. In this article, we will look at the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org, as they are crucial to understand. WordPress.com WordPress.com is an online website hosting service offered by Automattic, the company behind the development of WordPress itself. It … Read more

5 useful plugins for WordPress that will make your work easier.

5 užitečných pluginů pro WordPress, které Vám usnadní práci

WordPress is a modular content management system. You install the basic system and then customize it to your preferences using plugins. WordPress has its own repository for plugins, so gone are the days of installing plugins via FTP. Adding or removing new features is just a few clicks away and available for both beginners and advanced users. Below, I would like to show you 5 plugins that I commonly use when building websites. With a few exceptions, such as the Polylang plugin, which I only use when there is a requirement for a multilingual website. … Read more

4 Most Popular Age Restriction Plugins for WordPress


If you sell products or promote goods that are sensitive to age, it’s important to verify the user’s age before granting access. Many countries, for instance, have laws and regulations that require websites to verify the age of their users. This is common in the case of selling alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, vape, tattoos, and other similar products. So take a look on 4 most popular age restriction plugins for WordPress. Similarly, various videos and games are not suitable for minors and require age restrictions. You can also add age verification to your membership websites if … Read more

Tips and tricks for Elementor #4


Elementor is becoming an increasingly popular website editor built on the WordPress content management system. Elementor, both in its PRO and free version, contains various features that are not, or minimally, visible at first glance. In the following series of tips and tricks for Elementor, I would like to take a closer look at some of them and show them through examples in a series format. Let’s get started. Tips and tricks for Elementor 1.) Global Widget A Global Widget is an Elementor feature primarily used to create a widget that is used on multiple … Read more

How to set up dual boot with Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 11

Dual boot Ubuntu a Windows 11

Every operating system undoubtedly has its advantages and disadvantages. That’s why sometimes the most suitable option is a combination of several systems, between which the user can choose at the computer startup. A very popular combination is Microsoft Windows together with the Linux system Ubuntu. I would like to focus on this combination myself. So let’s take a look at how to set up dual boot with Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 11. Downloading the operating system ISO file The Ubuntu operating system can be downloaded from the official website here: Download Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop version. … Read more

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