How to set a time limit for a sticky post in WordPress

Jak nastavit časové omezení zvýrazněného článku ve WordPressu

I have already written about how you can highlight a post in WordPress and what it can be useful for in this article. If you use this functionality in WordPress, you have probably also noticed that WordPress does not allow you to limit the time for which the post is highlighted. It’s either highlighted or it’s not, and there is no other option in between. However, if you need to specify the duration of the highlighting, you will need to use an external plugin. Therefore, I would like to show you how to set a … Read more

How to sticky a post on a WordPress blog

Jak zvýraznit příspěvek na WordPress blogu

Within a blog built on the WordPress content management system, you can choose to prioritize certain posts after a certain period of time. This means that you may want to highlight one or more posts above others. You can ensure that they are always visible on the first page when visitors access your website. WordPress has a native feature for this situation called “Stick to the top of the block“. So, if you are interested in learning how to sticky a post on a WordPress blog and make it stand out in your entire range … Read more

404 error page

Chybová stránka 404

If a user clicks on a link in a search engine and instead of the expected content, they see a 404 error page, it can be frustrating. Despite this feeling that it may evoke in many people, this page is crucially important for a website and is also highly underrated. Let’s take a closer look at why the 404 error page is important and why you should definitely have one on your website. Why is the 404 error page so important? Because it informs users that the content does not exist. Many web creators place … Read more

Optimizing WordPress for SEO and how to improve it.

SEO optimalizace WordPressu a jak ji zlepšit

You may be familiar with the situation where you create a website and expect many users from across the internet to start visiting it shortly. Unfortunately, the times from around 2010, when simply creating a blog and writing regularly was enough to get noticed by both Google and people, are irreversibly gone. Websites, blogs, and informational portals flood the internet. Thats often leading to inadequate relevance in search results and invisibility in key positions. Therefore, it is now essential to think differently and actively strive to improve search engine rankings. In this article, I would … Read more

How to disable RSS in WordPress with the code

Jak ve WordPressu zakázat RSS feed pomocí kódu

Perhaps you have also wondered how to disable RSS feed in WordPress with the code, as you may not want to use a plugin for everything. Or maybe you’re just wondering if disabling RSS feed makes any sense. The WordPress functionality called RSS feed is mainly used on websites that regularly add new content at certain intervals. We are talking mainly about blogs, where you upload new content with a certain regularity. RSS feed has one purpose. To make it easier for users to find new content on their favorite websites. Let me give you … Read more

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