How to remove WordPress version from source code

Jak odstranit verzi WordPressu ze zdrojového kódu

You can easily find out what version of WordPress your website is using from the page’s source code. To do this, right-click on the page in your browser and select “View page source.” You can then easily locate the line that shows the public version of WordPress, which is the line that reads <meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress x.x” />. Simply replace the x’s with your current version of WordPress. However, for security reasons, it’s better if your WordPress version is not visible. This is because if you’re not using the latest version of WordPress, you’re advertising … Read more

How to Check PHP Version in WordPress

Jak ve WordPressu zjistit verzi PHP

The PHP version is critical for anyone who takes their website’s security and speed even remotely seriously. It’s essential for the proper functioning of the content management system, as well as for the version of WordPress you can run. For instance, if you want to run the latest version of WordPress, currently 6.2, you’ll need PHP version 7.xx. At the time of writing this article, it’s a good idea to start thinking about hosting that offers PHP version 8. In this article, you’ll learn how to check the PHP version in WordPress. This will be … Read more

What is the difference between a website and a landing page?

Jaký je rozdíl mezi webovou stránkou a landing page?

When creating a website, whether on WordPress or using other systems, you can choose several strategies to target your customers or users. One of the strategies is how the page will look and what purpose it will primarily serve. Essentially, the page can be divided into the aforementioned landing page or a classic website. In this article, we will discuss, what is the difference between a website and a landing page, specifically in terms of their basic distinguishing features. What is the difference between a website and a landing page? Website A website is designed … Read more

How to disable Gravatars in WordPress

How to disable Gravatars in WordPress

Gravatar is a third-party service that allows WordPress to display small profile images, for example, in comments. However, because it is a third-party service that is not loaded locally from the website server, this service can slow down system responses. This is particularly noticeable on a website with a large number of comments under articles. If you do not find Gravatars beneficial on your website, we can show you how to disable Gravatars natively in WordPress through the administration and system settings. What is Gravatar? Gravatar is a web service that allows users to easily … Read more

How to add icons to WordPress menu using the Menu Image plugin

Jak přidat ikony do menu WordPressu pomocí pluginu Menu Image

If you’re creating a website using the WordPress content management system, you’ve probably already realized that the menu is a key element of the whole page. With the menu, you can easily direct website users to the main pages of your website and provide them with important information. This can be a price list, contacts, or information about who you are and what you do. The menu usually applies mainly to pages, as posts have their own taxonomy, usually located in the right or left panel of the website. In this article, I would like … Read more

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