Be more effective with WordPress using free extension Page Ruler

Měření pixelů na webu v prohlížeči pomocí Page Ruler

If you are creating websites, you have probably encountered a situation where you needed to measure the sizes of various elements on the web, either for responsiveness or for designing web graphics. For these purposes, there is a great browser extension available for both Firefox and Chrome. This tool significantly facilitates the process of measuring elements on the web, and the best part is that you don’t need to install anything complicated to measure pixels on the web using Page Ruler. Be more effective with WordPress using free extension Page Ruler – Chrome To use … Read more

How can you try out Chat GPT-4 completely for free

Jak si můžete zcela zdarma vyzkoušet chat GPT-4

Artificial intelligence has recently exploded in popularity, and many people would like to experience the potential of this new technology. You now have Chat GPT-3.5 available completely for free. However, the new version, Chat GPT-4, is only accessible for a fee of $20. Nevertheless, there is a way how can you try out Chat GPT-4 completely for free, without having to pay the aforementioned fee or provide any credit card information. How can you try out Chat GPT-4 completely for free What is the difference between Chat GPT-3.5 and Chat GPT-4 in terms of text … Read more

Best and Proven Practice For WordPress Update With Infographic

Schéma aktualizace WordPressu pomocí infografiky

WordPress is a modern and popular content management system used by hundreds of millions of websites and users worldwide. There are over 600 million blogs built on this beloved platform alone. Just like any other, slightly superior content management system, WordPress updates work very well. Let’s take a look at best and proven practice for WordPress update with infographic. It will provide you with several key points to keep in mind. Best and Proven Practice For WordPress Update With Infographic Why should you actually perform WordPress updates? It’s simple. If you look at the infographic, … Read more

Discover More About Article And Page In WordPress

Rozdíl mezi článkem a stránkou u WordPressu

In today’s digital era, creating websites has become commonplace, and terms like “page” and “article” are increasingly encountered in the WordPress context. While these terms may initially appear similar or even identical, there is a fundamental difference between them. In today’s digital era, creating websites has become commonplace, and terms like “page” and “article” are increasingly encountered in the WordPress context. While these terms may initially appear similar or even identical, there is a fundamental difference between them. In this article, you can discover more about article and page in WordPress, as well as their … Read more

Best Proven Chrome Extension You Can Use For Measuring Speed

Web Vitals jako rozšíření do Chrome pro měření rychlosti webu

Anyone who has used Google Search Console for even a moment must have noticed that one of the parameters it evaluates is called Core Web Vitals. Simply put, these are the metrics by which Google measures the quality and speed of a website. Based on the results of these metrics, Google adjusts search results as it considers them indicators of website quality. Today, let’s take a look at best proven Chrome extension you can use for measuring speed. This is a small add-on for the Chrome browser that measures key metrics such as LCP, CLS, … Read more

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