The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: Create Pages and Articles

Průvodce WordPressem: stránky a příspěvky

In previous episodes, I showed you how to install WordPress, what its administration looks like, and how you can work with plugins and website themes. Now it’s time to add your first page and post to the website. In today’s continuation titled “The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: Create Pages and Articles,” I will explain the main difference between a page and a post, their purposes, and show you how to add a post or page to your website. I won’t address SEO, which involves optimizing pages and posts for search engines, in this installment. It’s … Read more

10 Simple Reasons Why To Have Your Own Website

10 jasných důvodů, proč mít vlastní web

The 21st century is fully digital, and having your own website in such an environment brings many benefits. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be just a corporate website. I’m also talking about a personal portfolio that allows individuals to be seen and have a greater reach. Here are 10 clear reasons why to have your own website, including, for example, a personal portfolio. 10 Simple Reasons Why To Have Your Own Website Online presence: A website provides the best means for your online presence. It serves as your virtual business card, accessible 24/7, allowing … Read more

The Best Cache Plugin For WordPress You Can Use

Nejlepší cache plugin pro WordPress

Website speed is a crucial metric that should interest anyone creating a website, whether professionally or for personal use. It is the alpha and omega when it comes to determining whether users will visit your website or not. Every second counts in this game. In general, studies suggest that around 47% of users expect a website to load within two seconds. If it doesn’t meet their expectations, they tend to leave and look elsewhere. Given that this blog has already outgrown the basic framework of a small or medium-sized website, I had to address the … Read more

How to fix non-functional HTTPS in Vtiger CRM with two steps

Jak opravit nefunkční HTTPS u Vtiger CRM

Vtiger CRM system is a comprehensive software solution for customer relationship management (CRM), which serves for efficient organization and automation of business processes. This system allows companies to track, manage, and optimize all interactions with their customers. Like any other content management system or CRM, Vtiger also requires encrypted server-client communication for its secure operation. However, after transitioning to HTTPS, the protocol often doesn’t work properly, and the system keeps forcing traffic to HTTP. In this article, we will explore how to fix non-functional HTTPS in Vtiger CRM with two steps, specifically how to make the … Read more

Easy Explanation: How To Better Use Memory Limit On WordPress

Jak na WordPressu funguje memory limit

The memory limit is a server restriction that is intentionally set by its administrator, and its size varies depending on the shared hosting provider. Generally, on web hosting, you can have memory ranging from 128 MB to 512 MB. The memory limit is a restriction. It determines the amount of memory a specific program or process can utilize on a computer. Let’s take a look in easy explanation: how to better use memory limit on WordPress. And why do so many people have issues with it? Easy Explanation: How To Better Use Memory Limit On … Read more

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