How Can You Easily Detect Broken Links In WordPress?

Jak můžete ve WordPressu odhalit poškozené odkazy

When writing content for a website, it’s advisable for SEO optimization to use both internal and external links to sources for which you have additional content. In simple terms, if you’re writing a full article about the currently mentioned content, use an internal link to that content just as you would if someone else were writing about the same topic. Both internal and external links increase the likelihood of better search engine rankings and improve the quality of your website’s content. Additionally, internal links help search engines discover other interesting content on your website. However, … Read more

5 Easy Ways How To Improve User Experience On WordPress

5 způsobů jak vylepšit uživatelskou zkušenost na WordPressu

The impression your website creates on people and how they feel while using it is crucial, especially when dealing with low traffic. The problem may arise from several factors that cause people to leave the website after a short while or even without reading the content you have published. Now, you can take a look at 5 easy ways how to improve user experience on WordPress that you can implement to attract more readers and increase both traffic and time spent on the website. Although there are only 5 of them, they are absolutely essential. … Read more

Best and Proven Practice For WordPress Update With Infographic

Schéma aktualizace WordPressu pomocí infografiky

WordPress is a modern and popular content management system used by hundreds of millions of websites and users worldwide. There are over 600 million blogs built on this beloved platform alone. Just like any other, slightly superior content management system, WordPress updates work very well. Let’s take a look at best and proven practice for WordPress update with infographic. It will provide you with several key points to keep in mind. Best and Proven Practice For WordPress Update With Infographic Why should you actually perform WordPress updates? It’s simple. If you look at the infographic, … Read more

Discover More About Article And Page In WordPress

Rozdíl mezi článkem a stránkou u WordPressu

In today’s digital era, creating websites has become commonplace, and terms like “page” and “article” are increasingly encountered in the WordPress context. While these terms may initially appear similar or even identical, there is a fundamental difference between them. In today’s digital era, creating websites has become commonplace, and terms like “page” and “article” are increasingly encountered in the WordPress context. While these terms may initially appear similar or even identical, there is a fundamental difference between them. In this article, you can discover more about article and page in WordPress, as well as their … Read more

How to solve Loss Of Password For WordPress Administration

Ztráta hesla do administrace Wordpressu a jeho resetování

Perhaps you have experienced a situation where you wanted to log in to the administration of your website built on WordPress and with horror, you realized that you forgot your password. Almost everyone has likely experienced such a situation on any service. If you are a beginner when it comes to WordPress, you are probably most interested in how to solve loss of password for WordPress administration. It’s simple to reset it. Let’s take a step-by-step look at the whole process. How to solve Loss Of Password For WordPress Administration One thing I should mention … Read more

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