Great WordPress Blogs That Will Expand Your Knowledge

Skvělé blogy o WordPressu které rozšíří Vaše znalosti

Are you working with WordPress and seeking inspiration? Or are you just starting out with this content management system and curious about how things are done or set up? If you’ve answered yes to at least one of these questions, you might be looking for a quality source of information as well. Let’s explore 4 great WordPress blogs that will expand your knowledge. In them, you can find answers to your questions, learn new things, or simply understand how WordPress and its environment work. Since these blogs are in a foreign language, it would be … Read more

Amazing Statistics About Blogging That You Probably Didn’t Know

📖 Máte vlastní blog, píšete články a staráte se o svůj web. Pojďte se podívat na zajímavé statistiky o blogování, které jste pravděpodobně neznali.

Do you write your own blog using the WordPress content management system? Then you might be interested in statistics related to this CMS and blogging itself. Let’s take a look at some amazing statistics about blogging that you probably didn’t know. How bloggers operate, the number of WordPress websites in existence, the most popular language used for blogging. These and much more can be found in this article Amazing Statistics About Blogging That You Probably Didn’t Know Blog Statistics In 2021, the average length of a blog post was 1416 words. The average length of … Read more

WordPress Plans For 2024? Exciting List Of New Changes.

Co plánuje WordPress v roce 2024

The end of 2023 is quickly approaching its conclusion, and the beginning of a new year is just around the corner. Joseph Haden, the CEO, recently unveiled WordPress’s plan, revealing to users the itinerary of updates that lie ahead. But what changes does WordPress have in store for 2024? Let’s take a closer look. We’ll delve into the changes awaiting the WordPress community and users, discussing what to anticipate in the new year of 2024. So, what are WordPress plans For 2024? WordPress Plans For 2024? Exciting List Of New Changes. The most critical announcement … Read more

How To Easily Remove WordPress Categories From The RSS

Potřebujete ve svém RSS feedu zakázat určité kategorie? Podíváme se, jak odstranit určité kategorie WordPressu z RSS feedu. Vše jednoduše pomocí snippetu.

Every website built on the WordPress content management system also has its RSS feed. This allows users to add your site to their RSS readers and stay informed about every new article you publish. It’s definitely a great thing, especially for your regular readers. However, sometimes there are categories that you don’t want to include in this RSS feed. That’s why in this article, we’ll explore how to remove specific WordPress categories from the RSS feed. We’ll do this using a short PHP code and the WPCode plugin. How To Easily Remove WordPress Categories From … Read more

How To Add New Records To A User In WordPress

Jak přidat nové záznamy k uživateli ve WordPressu

If you’re using a content management system for your website, you have the option to have more than one user within the system. If, for instance, you have an entire editorial team, it’s likely composed of numerous members. All of them probably have their profiles created within WordPress, through which they access the system. WordPress itself requires several essential things for user registration: a username, password, and email address. Optionally, you can also fill in the first and last name. However, what if you need to have more such information for users, such as a … Read more

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