Constants in WordPress: How to Use Them for Configuration and Optimization

Konstanty ve WordPressu: Jak je využít pro konfiguraci a optimalizaci

WordPress is a very flexible platform, and one way to customize it to your needs is by using constants. Constants are fixed values that allow you to set various aspects of WordPress functionality, such as database connection, security, debugging, performance, updates, and more. What are constants and where are they set? Constants in WordPress are variables that cannot be changed after they are defined. In WordPress, constants are most commonly set in the wp-config.php file, which is located in the root directory of the installation. Example of a simple constant definition: define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); This line … Read more

Best Web Server for WordPress: Apache, Nginx, or LiteSpeed Compared!

Přechod s WordPressem na vlastní server

If you run a website on WordPress or plan to launch one, choosing the right web server is a key decision. The most popular solutions include Apache, Nginx, and LiteSpeed. Each of these servers has its strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice depends on the specific needs of your project. In this article, we will explore their features, performance, and usability in the context of WordPress. Apache The Apache HTTP Server is one of the oldest and most widely used web servers in the world. It was created in 1995, and its popularity grew … Read more

Secure your WordPress 2025 – Complete Guide in PDF totally free

Plugin Really Simple SSL přináší nové bezpečnostní prvky

Do you manage a WordPress website? Then you surely know how important it is to protect it from various threats that can affect not only its functionality but also user trust. Website security is absolutely crucial today, and knowing the best protection methods is essential for every WordPress site owner. If you’re looking for a comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide on securing your WordPress site, I’ve prepared a complete security handbook for 2025, available for free download. This guide will take you through the entire security process, from basic steps to advanced methods that will help … Read more

How to secure the wp-config.php file in WordPress

Jak zabezpečit WordPress - kompletní průvodce 2024

The wp-config.php file is a crucial part of your website, where WordPress stores highly sensitive information. This includes MySQL database connection details, which are stored in plain text without encryption. Therefore, securing this file is essential to prevent unauthorized access. In this guide, we’ll show you a simple method to enhance security by moving the file outside the web directory structure. Why is securing this file so important? The wp-config.php file is one of the most critical files in WordPress, as it contains key configuration data such as database login credentials, security keys, and other … Read more

How to fix the local issuer certificate problem in WordPress

Jak opravit chybu pluginu AIO SEO v souboru Vue.php

In the past few days, I’ve noticed issues with plugin, core, and theme updates on well-established WordPress sites. The error messages vary, but they almost always point to a certificate problem. The fix is relatively simple, but you’ll need FTP access. Let’s go through the process. How to Fix the Local Issuer Certificate Problem in WordPress If this issue occurs, you might encounter one of the following errors: cURL error 77: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate) SSL certificate problem: … Read more

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