How to best utilize Chat GPT

Jak co nejlépe využít Chat GPT

A few months ago, artificial intelligence was officially introduced to the OpenAI company. Since the company released Chat GPT into the public space and provided access to almost everyone, people have been using it massively not only for entertainment but also for work. Therefore, I would like to take a look at how to best utilize Chat GPT to provide the best results possible. How to best utilize Chat GPT? 1.) Style it into a role It’s a good practice to first set the role of the chatbot as if it were to be fulfilled … Read more

How can you try Chat GPT 4 on your mobile?

Jak jsem zkusil s ChatGPT napsat povídku

Curious about how the new version of Chat GPT 4 works? Now you have the opportunity to try it out for free. This highly utilized artificial intelligence from OpenAI has been tested by many. While the free version 3.5 is available for everyone, OpenAI and Microsoft recently released a new version, numbered 4. So take a look, how can you try Chat GPT 4 on your mobile device? How can you try Chat GPT 4 on your mobile? First, let’s discuss how Chat GPT version 4 outperforms version 3.5. GPT 4 has a larger contextual … Read more

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