Midjourney’s Great Development Over the Last Two Years

Skokový vývoj Midjourney za poslední dva roky

Midjourney is an artificial intelligence capable of generating images based on textual descriptions, known as prompts. It’s a relatively new technology with the potential to revolutionize how we create and use visual content. Founded in 2022 by Midjourney AB, the company is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, established by Jonathan Söderberg, Johan Hanson, and David Olofsson. The Midjourney’s great development  over the last two years has been fascinating. From its initial images that hinted at AI potential but were less usable, to today, where Midjourney generates absolutely stunning graphics and visual content. Let’s delve into how … Read more

How To Disable Displaying Articles Of A Subcategory In The Main Category of WordPress

zobrazování článků subkategorie v hlavní kategorii WordPressu

WordPress uses two primary taxonomies for website organization: Posts and Pages. Posts are further categorized into categories and sometimes into subcategories. For instance, you might have a category like ‘Cars’ with associated subcategories like ‘Diesel,’ ‘Gasoline,’ and ‘Electric.’ The issue arises when an article is assigned solely to a subcategory. It not only appears in that subcategory (‘Electric’) but also in the main category (‘Cars’). These categories are commonly referred to as parent and child. Essentially, if you assign an article to the ‘Electric’ subcategory, it will simultaneously display in the main ‘Cars’ category. As … Read more

How To Easily Modify The WordPress Admin Footer?

Jak upravit patičku administrace WordPressu?

Have you created a website for someone using the WordPress content management system and would like to place an ‘advertisement’ for your own website or portfolio in the admin footer? It’s one way to discreetly leave your contact information as the website creator. You might have noticed that the admin footer already contains such links. By default, it often displays information like ‘Thank you for creating with WordPress.’ However, not many know how easily this information can be personalized. In this article, I’ll show you how to modify the WordPress admin footer using a simple … Read more

Great WordPress Blogs That Will Expand Your Knowledge

Skvělé blogy o WordPressu které rozšíří Vaše znalosti

Are you working with WordPress and seeking inspiration? Or are you just starting out with this content management system and curious about how things are done or set up? If you’ve answered yes to at least one of these questions, you might be looking for a quality source of information as well. Let’s explore 4 great WordPress blogs that will expand your knowledge. In them, you can find answers to your questions, learn new things, or simply understand how WordPress and its environment work. Since these blogs are in a foreign language, it would be … Read more

Amazing Statistics About Blogging That You Probably Didn’t Know

📖 Máte vlastní blog, píšete články a staráte se o svůj web. Pojďte se podívat na zajímavé statistiky o blogování, které jste pravděpodobně neznali.

Do you write your own blog using the WordPress content management system? Then you might be interested in statistics related to this CMS and blogging itself. Let’s take a look at some amazing statistics about blogging that you probably didn’t know. How bloggers operate, the number of WordPress websites in existence, the most popular language used for blogging. These and much more can be found in this article Amazing Statistics About Blogging That You Probably Didn’t Know Blog Statistics In 2021, the average length of a blog post was 1416 words. The average length of … Read more

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