Phishing Attacks Targeting Owners of PrestaShop Websites

phishing prestashop

According to the official newsletter from, phishing attacks are currently targeting owners of PrestaShop websites. Specifically those built on their CMS. The phishing sites attempt to mimic their main website.  Also it is likely that attackers will attempt to obtain sensitive information from the owners of these sites. If you have an online store built on PrestaShop’s CMS, it is important to be vigilant, particularly with regards to any received emails that appear to be from their official website. Always verify the sender’s address and carefully inspect any potential links before clicking on them. … Read more

Elementor Pro – Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException


Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Method get_site_editor_type does not exist If you have updated the Elementor-Pro plugin, it may happen that after a successful update, some features such as logging into the administration stop working. This will result in an error message similar to the following: Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Method get_site_editor_type does not exist in /wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/modules/theme-builder/documents/theme-document.php:48 Elementor in WordPress Elementor is a WordPress extension that allows you to create web pages using an intuitive visual editor. With this plugin, you can easily create and modify pages without the need for coding knowledge. Using Elementor, you … Read more

Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress?

proč mi nefunguje https na wordpressu?

You have WordPress installed, SSL certificate is active on your web hosting, yet you still ask yourself the basic question – “Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress?” The green padlock does not appear in the browser, instead, a padlock with a warning is displayed. The reason can sometimes be very simple. It’s called mixed content on the website. Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress? To make HTTPS fully functional under all circumstances, the source code of the website must also be prepared for it. Simply put, all internal and external links used in … Read more

What is DNS

co je to DNS

What is DNS? DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is a system of servers that run the DNS management system and help translate domain names into IP addresses and vice versa. To get a basic understanding of what we’re talking about, you can think of a phone number and the owner’s name. The phone number here would represent the IP address. Than the owner’s name would be the domain. Since the server operates on a network at some IP address that you would have to remember, this system was created to translate individual server … Read more

How to test web hosting without a domain pointing to it?

Jak testovat webhosting, aniž by na něj doména směrovala?

Do you need to test a website or debug an application on a server that is not pointed to by the domain in DNS? It may seem like a tricky situation if your web hosting provider does not offer a test URL where the website and its content can be seen. However, there is a solution to bypass this on your local computer and view a different server than the one pointed to by the domain in DNS. Here is a simple guide on how to test web hosting without a domain pointing to it. … Read more

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