The reasons to wait for the WordPress 6.2 update

Důvody, proč počkat s aktualizací na WordPress 6.2.

The developers have released a new version of WordPress 6.2 on March 29, 2023. This version brings a major update that may disrupt existing website elements. Newly added features can, for example, affect plugins, theme designs, translations, libraries, and packages that are not currently compatible with this version. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the reasons to wait for the WordPress 6.2 update. The reasons to wait for the update to WordPress 6.2: The WordPress 6.2 version improves performance, tightens security, fixes bugs, and adds a range of new features. However, it may happen that … Read more

WordPress fatal memory error after upgrading to version 6.2.

Vyčerpání paměti u WordPressu po přechodu na verzi 6.2

After the release of the WordPress update to version 6.2, users across the internet are still reporting website crashes. Typically, these crashes result in a critical error message indicating a memory limit has been exceeded. Once this occurs, the website becomes completely non-functional, and it’s impossible to access the WordPress administration panel. Given the large number of users reporting this issue, it’s clear that there is a reason for this memory exhaustion. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at WordPress fatal memory error after upgrading to version 6.2. WordPress fatal memory error after … Read more

The history of WordPress from its beginning to the present.

Historie WordPressu od začátku až po současnost

The WordPress user interface has been evolving since its first release in 2003 up until today. Initially, WordPress started as a simple blogging platform but over the course of 12 years, it has developed into a full-fledged content management system as we know it today. In this article, I’ll take you on a journey through time to show you the various stages of the WordPress user interface development from 2003 to the present day. So let’s take a look on the history of WordPress from its beginning to to the present. I won’t deliberately mention … Read more

How to permanently disable comments in WordPress

Jak ve WordPressu trvale vypnout komentáře

Comments on a website can be an effective way to gather feedback from users. They allow you to communicate with your community and exchange valuable information. However, despite this fact, there may be situations where comments are more of a hassle and not suitable for the website format. The good news is that using a snippet, they can be disabled. Permanently. In this article, you will learn how to permanently disable comments in WordPress using a snippet. How to Permanently Disable Comments in WordPress Using a Snippet What is the snippet? The Snippet feature in … Read more

How to disable automatic updates in WordPress

Jak ve WordPressu zakázat automatické aktualizace

As a website owner, you should never underestimate the security of your WordPress site. Automatic updates are one of the steps that help keep your CMS secure. Not only do you minimize the risk of security vulnerabilities, but you also gain new features that come with updates. However, despite this undeniable fact, there may be situations where automatic updates can be a problem. For example, when upgrading to a new core version. Therefore, it is sometimes not only good but also appropriate to deactivate automatic updates. This should be done only temporarily until you resolve … Read more

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