Security vulnerability in the Essential Addons for Elementor plugin

Bezpečnostní chyba v pluginu Essential Addons for Elementor

Are you using the popular Elementor site builder for your WordPress website along with the Essential Addons for Elementor plugin? If you answered yes to both questions, you should be alert. Security vulnerability in the Essential Addons for Elementor plugin was found in versions 5.4 to 5.7.1. If you are using the plugin, it is crucial to check its version and update it as soon as possible. Critical Security Vulnerability in the Essential Addons for Elementor Plugin The Essential Addons for Elementor plugin provides many additional elements for the well-known site builder, and it is … Read more

Migration of WordPress to a dedicated VPS

Přechod s WordPressem na vlastní server

Since this website has grown to a size where traditional shared web hosting is no longer sufficient for my needs, I have decided to migrate to a dedicated virtual server. It was not just about speed but also the opportunity to try out new things, which shared web hosting does not allow. The limitations of PHP versions, server modules, and settings are clearly defined in shared web hosting. In this article, I would like to provide a superficial overview of what such a migration of WordPress to a dedicated VPS entails. What needs to be … Read more

5 tips for a better Landing Page

5 tipů pro lepší Landing Page

I have already written about the difference between a classic website and a landing page, as it is quite significant. If, at a certain stage of website development, advertising, and company presentation, you decide to create a landing page for your ads, it is good to follow certain rules. This can make the landing page more attractive to your potential customers. So let’s take a look at 5 tips for a better landing page. It can help you at least initially to focus on what you can emphasize or avoid. Use a concise and informative … Read more

Testing WordPress using InstaWP

Testování WordPressu pomocí InstaWP

If you manage a website using the popular WordPress platform, you may have found yourself in a situation where you needed to test new features or plugins outside of your live website. This is a logical move, as you may not be sure if the new plugin will function as expected or even potentially harm your currently running website. Let’s take a look at an online application that allows you to do just that. Testing WordPress using InstaWP will likely impress you. Testing WordPress using InstaWP It’s quite common that you may need to enable … Read more

The database of free images –

Databáze obrázků zdarma

If you are creating a website or writing a blog, you certainly know the situation when you need to find graphic materials. It doesn’t matter whether it’s icons for the menu, feature images for articles, or anything else. If you download images that are publicly available through, for example, Google search, they are subject to copyright. The author may have used these images from a public database, but they may not have. You may not experience any consequences at that moment, however, if the author comes across such content, you may have a problem. To … Read more

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