Make Your Web Awesome With Interactive Text Bubbles

Interaktivní bubliny s popisem textu ve WordPressu

Improving the user experience of a website and attracting users to read the content is the goal of every website or blog owner. There are many tools available for this purpose, and today I would like to focus on one of them. It’s called a tooltip, and it essentially refers to interactive text bubbles in WordPress. With tooltips, you can enrich the text with an interactive element that can explain a term mentioned in the text, which might otherwise be misunderstood. So make your web awesome with interactive text bubbles with new plugin for WordPress. … Read more

How to easy enable maintenance mode using Elementor

Jak na režim údržby webu pomocí Elementoru

Sometimes it may happen that a website is not functioning as it should. It could be a problem with a malfunctioning plugin, an update, or simply an issue caused by you. Before you fix the problem, it is undesirable for users to visit the website. And there are two specific reasons for that. The first reason is simple. You certainly don’t want your users to see a completely non-functional and broken website. Moreover, if it is a corporate website, it doesn’t leave a good impression, especially for new users. Such a person is likely to … Read more

Do you need to obtain system information in WordPress?

Potřebujete ve WordPressu získat systémové informace?

Do you need to obtain system information in WordPress? WordPress can natively display many system information that can reveal important factors affecting your website. Such information may include PHP version, server PHP limits, FTP folders and their sizes, and more. WordPress is capable of displaying these system information directly in the administration interface. In this article, we will focus on where you can find system information in WordPress. We will explore a lesser-known item in the admin menu called “Site Health“. Do you need to obtain system information in WordPress? Site Health is a menu item … Read more

Be more effective with WordPress using free extension Page Ruler

Měření pixelů na webu v prohlížeči pomocí Page Ruler

If you are creating websites, you have probably encountered a situation where you needed to measure the sizes of various elements on the web, either for responsiveness or for designing web graphics. For these purposes, there is a great browser extension available for both Firefox and Chrome. This tool significantly facilitates the process of measuring elements on the web, and the best part is that you don’t need to install anything complicated to measure pixels on the web using Page Ruler. Be more effective with WordPress using free extension Page Ruler – Chrome To use … Read more

How can you try out Chat GPT-4 completely for free

Jak si můžete zcela zdarma vyzkoušet chat GPT-4

Artificial intelligence has recently exploded in popularity, and many people would like to experience the potential of this new technology. You now have Chat GPT-3.5 available completely for free. However, the new version, Chat GPT-4, is only accessible for a fee of $20. Nevertheless, there is a way how can you try out Chat GPT-4 completely for free, without having to pay the aforementioned fee or provide any credit card information. How can you try out Chat GPT-4 completely for free What is the difference between Chat GPT-3.5 and Chat GPT-4 in terms of text … Read more

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