How to easily fix the Wordfence plugin error

Kritická chyba pluginu Wordfence po změně serveru

Are you using the Wordfence security plugin on your website and have you migrated your WordPress to a different server? If you answered yes to both questions, it is highly likely that you have encountered or will encounter a critical PHP error for the “wordfence-waf.php” file. Below, we will discuss how such a critical Wordfence plugin error appears after server migration and how to easily fix the Wordfence plugin error. How To Easily Fix The Wordfence Plugin Error After Migration To a New Server When you migrate WordPress with the Wordfence plugin to a different … Read more

The Best And Easiest Guide On How To Install WordPress

How to disable google fonts and font awesome in wordpress

A complete manual and guide on installing the WordPress content management system from the very beginning, including downloading the installation package, connecting to FTP, filling in all the necessary details, including MySQL, and finally logging in to the administration. The guide is designed step by step for absolute beginners. If you have no experience with installing WordPress, don’t know what FTP is or how to log in to it, you’re in the right place. So welcome to the best and easiest guide on how to install WordPress The Best And Easiest Guide On How To … Read more

How to install and configure ssmtp on a Linux server

Jak nainstalujete a zprovozníte ssmtp na Linuxovém serveru

In Linux, the program ssmtp (Simple SMTP) is used for sending emails using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Ssmtp is a simple SMTP client that allows sending emails from the command line or other applications on Linux. Ssmtp works by receiving an email message from input (either directly from the command line or from another program) and sending it to the target SMTP server. This server then receives the email and delivers it to the specified email address. In this article, we will show you how to install and configure ssmtp on a Linux … Read more

Proven and Best Method for Easily Identifying a Fraudulent Email

Jak můžete snadněji odhalit podvodný e-mail?

Since I work in IT and deal with matters like spam and phishing on a daily basis, I wanted to create an article for IT beginners, helping them learn how to recognize a fraudulent email. If you’ve been working in IT for a long enough time, you’ll find your own mechanisms to identify such emails. However, the general population, including seniors who use computers for regular work or content consumption, may face difficulties in identifying fraudulent emails. So let’s take a look for proven and best method for easily identifying a fraudulent email. We’ll also … Read more

Make Your Email Security Stronger With Google SPF Politics

Co je to SPF záznam a proč jej Google vyžaduje? Hlavní obrázek ke článku na toto téma.

In today’s world, email communication is an essential part of our daily lives. Every day, we send and receive dozens, if not hundreds, of emails, and it is crucial to ensure that our messages are safely delivered into the right hands. So now you can make your email security stronger with Google SPF politics. One of the tools that can help us in this regard is an SPF record. It not only helps us combat spam but also provides protection against email spoofing in certain cases. If you are curious about what an SPF record … Read more

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