OpenAI has its own search robot called GPTBot

OpenAI má vlastního vyhledávacího robota GPTBot

Just as the internet is crawled by Google, Yahoo, or the Russian Yandex, GPTBot has now become a part of the family of other search robots. The company OpenAI released it on the internet for a simple reason. OpenAI has released it on the internet for a simple reason. It will be indexing web content, and the company will use the information for the development and training of new models within the GPT family. OpenAI has its own search robot called GPTBot, specifically on Microsoft’s servers, with which it collaborates closely. Similar to other robots, … Read more

How To Solve W3 Total Cache Error In WordPress 6.3

Jak skrýt admin panel pro uživatele WordPressu

This week, a major update of the popular content management system WordPress has been released. It’s version 6.3, which developers have been preparing for several months. It brings many new features and, as is customary with WordPress, will likely cause trouble for many users who haven’t prepared their website for the update. Currently, there are numerous complaints from users on the internet who utilize the W3 Total Cache plugin. We will now demonstrate how to solve W3 Total Cache error in WordPress 6.3. How To Solve W3 Total Cache Error In WordPress 6.3 After the … Read more

What is a Vishing attack and how does it work?

Co je to Vishing útok a jak probíhá

In today’s rapidly evolving digital environment, it’s important that you remain cautious and informed, especially when it comes to new forms of cyber attacks. One such attack targeting the acquisition of sensitive user information is called “vishing.” What is a Vishing attack and how does it work? We will explain this in the article below. What is a Vishing attack and how does it work? Vishing is short for “voice phishing,” involving cyber attackers utilizing phone calls or voice messages to deceptively obtain sensitive information from victims. The attack’s aim is to coerce users into … Read more

A Simple Explanation Of How A Watering Hole Attack Works

Jak probíhá Watering Hole Attack

In the online world, a significant number of attacks occur daily, targeting individuals as well as small and large companies. There are various types of attacks, ranging from unsuccessful phishing attempts to sophisticated ransomware attacks, where attackers encrypt user data and demand a ransom for the decryption key. In this article, we will look on a simple explanation of how a watering hole attack works. An attack that utilizes a website regularly visited by the intended victim. A Simple Explanation Of How A Watering Hole Attack Works A Watering Hole Attack is a sophisticated type … Read more

What Is Whaling Phishing? Do You Know This Threat?

Co je to Whaling phishing?

What is whaling phishing? Do you know this threat? Whaling phishing is the second level of enhancement to the classic phishing, which many of you probably already know. In classic phishing, attackers try to lure as many users as possible to fake websites or compel you to open suspicious links. As a result, the attacker obtains sensitive information such as passwords, banking details, or various types of personal information. But what is Whaling phishing? We will explore this type of phishing today. What Is Whaling Phishing? Do You Know This Threat? Whaling phishing, as the … Read more

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