11 questions about Chat GPT that you need to know

11 otázek ohledně Chat GPT, které Vás budou zajímat

Are you interested in artificial intelligence and its development? Then you’ve likely heard or even used one of the most widely used language models of artificial intelligence, Chat GPT. In this article, we’ll delve into 11 questions about Chat GPT that you need to know. Let’s get into it. We’ll explain what you can use this language model for, how it works, and how it’s trained. 11 questions about Chat GPT that you need to know Chat GPT has been a phenomenon in the last year and a half. It’s talked about everywhere, and many … Read more

How Easily fix the error of the AIO SEO in the Vue.php

Jak opravit chybu pluginu AIO SEO v souboru Vue.php

About a week ago, I migrated the website from the Yoast SEO plugin to the paid plugin All In One SEO (AIO SEO). After some time working on the website, I noticed a significant increase in the Apache web server’s error log. Unfortunately, AIO SEO kept generating a PHP error that was being logged, causing the log to expand considerably. In this article, we’ll take a look at how easily fix the error of the AIO SEO in the Vue.php file. We’ll examine the error the plugin is generating and also a very simple way … Read more

New WordPress 6.4.2 Fixes A Critical Bug. Do You Know Them?

Zakažte automatické updaty WordPressu pomocí snippetu

You might have already noticed that there’s a new version of WordPress out in the world, labeled as 6.4.2. This is another relatively quick update following the recent releases of versions 6.4 and shortly after, 6.4.1. WordPress 6.4.2 fixes a critical bug discovered by developers in the so-called ‘pop’ strings. This bug is critical primarily because it allows an attacker to remotely execute arbitrary code directly on the website without the website owner having any inkling about it. Where does the issue lie? The problem resides in the WP_HTML_Token class introduced in WordPress 6.4, which … Read more

Markup Schema, The Way To Easily Improve SEO In WordPress

Co jsou to markup schémata a proč Vám mohou pomoci být na první pozici vyhledávače

Markup schemas, also known as structured data, are special tags added to a webpage’s source code. These tags assist search engine robots in better understanding your content. Thanks to markup schemas, robots can display results in a much-improved and structured format. In this article, we’ll delve into what markup schemas are and how they can propel you to the top positions in search engine results through SEO. What are markup schemas and why should you use them? Markup schema defines the type of content in an article. It precisely informs the search engine robot about … Read more

Easy Way To Displaying The Article Update In WordPress

Are you blogging on WordPress and have been doing so for a while? Then you might have an inkling that some of your articles are outdated and need an update. Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t inherently account for this, displaying only the date of the article’s initial publication. This could be counterproductive when a potential reader stumbles upon such an article and leaves the website, assuming it’s not current based on the date. That’s why it’s a good practice to show the date of the article’s last update as well. Why? Because it lets the reader know … Read more

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