Best WordPress Themes for 2025 (free and premium)

SEznam bodů, které potřebujete znát když měníte vzhled svého WordPressu

Have you just installed or are you about to install the WordPress content management system? Besides quality and well-tested plugins, the first thing you’ll be looking for is themes. A good and lightweight theme is essential for optimal performance, speed, and, last but not least, a great user experience. Here are the best WordPress themes for 2025. Astra Astra is one of the most popular WordPress themes, known for its speed, flexibility, and extensive customization options. It’s perfect for both beginners and advanced users who want to create a professional website without coding knowledge. Astra … Read more

Where You Can Download WordPress – Beginner’s Tips

Jak a kde stáhnout WordPress.Nejrychlejší způsob jak WordPress zprovoznit.

If you’re planning to create your own website or blog, then WordPress is undoubtedly one of the most popular and effective content management tools. Its simplicity and extensive customization options attract millions of users worldwide. However, the first step to utilizing this platform is to download it. How and where to download WordPress? We’ll show you here. And let’s start with where to download WordPress and from which websites. From the .COM domain or the .ORG domain? Difference between and Many people encounter the initial issue of distinguishing between the .com and .org … Read more

How easily can you create a Mega Menu in the GeneratePress?

Jak snadno vytvoříte Mega Menu v šabloně GeneratePress

GeneratePress is an amazing template you’ll quickly fall in love with. It’s simple, easy to customize, and boasts fantastic customer support. If you encounter any issues with the template, customer support responds within minutes during business hours, or within a few hours otherwise. They’ve always provided solutions and assistance whenever I needed it. This template is free, and you can extend its functionality by purchasing the PRO version. However, what this template never had is a mega menu. The mega menu isn’t available in either the free or the paid PRO version. That’s why today, … Read more

How to update a WordPress theme without losing customizations

Jak aktualizovat šablonu WordPressu bez ztráty vlastních úprav

On WordPress as a website management system, there’s one fantastic thing: how easily it can be customized. You can easily modify the system’s behavior using plugins or alter the appearance of the current template using PHP code. However, I’d like to address a specific concern with modifying the template using inserted code. There’s an issue here. When updating the template, you can easily lose all your modifications. The template gets overwritten, and the inserted PHP code simply disappears. In this article, I’d like to show you how to update a WordPress theme without losing customizations, … Read more

How to enable maintenance mode in WordPress

Jak zapnete režim údržby ve WordPressu

Are you managing one or multiple WordPress websites? If you answered yes, then you’re likely aware that WordPress maintenance occasionally requires intervention. This involves updating plugins, the system’s core, theme templates, or other aspects. In such situations, it’s good practice to put your website into maintenance mode. Essentially, this temporarily deactivates the site for your visitors during maintenance. As the site administrator, you won’t notice any change. However, users won’t be able to access the site and will only see an information notice indicating that the site is currently under maintenance. How do you enable … Read more

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