Disable automatic WordPress updates with a simple snippet

Zakažte automatické updaty WordPressu pomocí snippetu

Automatic updates are one of the pillars of WordPress security. They were primarily designed to address the issue of users neglecting their website maintenance. The reality is that the majority of users who come into contact with the WordPress content management system create a basic website but then leave it unattended. Without an active owner, WordPress becomes a potential security risk. To mitigate this, WordPress has a security mechanism that allows it to perform updates automatically, without user intervention. However, such actions are not always desirable. If you find this behavior problematic, you can disable … Read more

How To Disable Automatic Emails About WordPress Updates

Jak zakázat automatické e-maily o aktualizaci WordPressu

I have written about the functionality of automatic updates in the WordPress content management system several times. Part of this feature includes sending an informational email to the website administrator. In the email, the system administrator receives information about the automatic updates that have taken place on the website. The purpose of the email is simple: to inform you, as the website administrator, that an action has occurred on the website. It is then your responsibility to check if everything is functioning correctly on the website. However, if these notifications are bothering you, you can … Read more

How To Enable SVG Upload In WordPress Using A Snippet

Jak ve WordPressu povolit upload SVG pomocí snippetu

By default, WordPress does not allow you to upload SVG images due to security reasons. If you require the use of these image types on your website, you can enable SVG upload effortlessly. This can be achieved using a concise code snippet. This snippet also checks your permissions in WordPress, allowing only administrators to upload SVG files. If you’re interested in how to enable SVG upload in WordPress using a snippet, keep reading. Why can’t I upload SVG files to WordPress? Security risks: SVG files are flexible and can contain code that executes when displayed. … Read more

Improved attachment management and protection in WordPress

Lepší správa a ochrana příloh ve WordPressu

Are you writing articles that include attachments? You’re probably interested in better attachment management and protection in WordPress. You can achieve basic improvements in attachment protection and management by using a snippet that you insert into your website’s content. Let’s take a look at one. Improved Attachment Management and Protection in WordPress This snippet performs basic attachment management and protection through redirection. Let me give you an example of what the snippet does. This code primarily checks if the attachment is associated with an existing article. Based on whether the article containing the attachment exists … Read more

How to disable XML-RPC in WordPress using a snippet

Jak ve WordPressu zakážete XML-RPC pomocí snippetu

XML-RPC (XML Remote Procedure Call) is a feature in WordPress that allows communication with your website through external applications, services, or other websites. It’s like a telephone line that enables WordPress to interact with other systems or applications. Imagine you own a WordPress blog and want to write new posts from your mobile phone. XML-RPC allows you to use a mobile application that can connect to your website and publish articles directly from your phone. This way, you can easily update your blog or share news even when you are not directly connected to the … Read more

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