Websites using Oxygen Builder have a serious issue with WordPress 6.4.

Weby s Oxygen Builder mají s WordPress 6.4 vážný problém

If you use the popular Oxygen page builder on your WordPress website, you may encounter serious issues when updating to the latest version 6.4. Shortly after the release of the WordPress 6.4 update, complaints from Oxygen users began to multiply. Many websites stopped functioning within a short period of time and experienced critical errors. These issues started filling not only forums and Facebook groups but also led to people dealing with completely offline websites. It is more than clear that websites using Oxygen Builder have a serious issue with WordPress 6.4. Websites using Oxygen Builder … Read more

How To Rename A Group Of Blocks In The Gutenberg Editor In WordPress 6.4

Přejmenování skupiny bloků v Gutenberg editoru u WordPress 6.4

It’s been only one day since the new version of WordPress 6.4 was released. This version brings a breath of fresh changes to the entire ecosystem of this popular content management system. One of the changes that has officially arrived in the new system is the ability to easily rename a group of blocks in the native Gutenberg editor. The process of renaming a group of blocks in the Gutenberg editor is quite intuitive and simple, finally bringing a bit more personalization to content creation. Let’s take a look at how you can carry out … Read more

How to set an Image as the background for a group of blocks in Gutenberg

Obrázek jako pozadí skupiny bloků v Gutenbergu

The new version of WordPress 6.4 has brought many minor adjustments and changes. Among the changes that I find interesting is the ability to set a custom background for a group of blocks. This is a feature that is natively found in almost every external page builder. However, for those who don’t have much experience with the Gutenberg editor, finding this option can be somewhat challenging. Personally, I’ve never grown very fond of Gutenberg. In this article, let’s take a look at how you can set an image as the background for a group of … Read more

New WordPress 6.4 Is Coming With A New Style Of Changes

nová verze WordPress 6.4 přichází

Developers started working on the new version of WordPress, numbered 6.4, back in April of this year. Now, everything indicates that this version will likely be released as an official and fully tested update on November 7, 2023. What changes can we expect in this version for all of us who are using WordPress 6.4? Let’s take a look at some of them. WordPress 6.4 Is Coming With A New Style Of Changes New Twenty Twenty-Four Theme Previous native themes have always been focused on specific topics. The current new theme, called Twenty Twenty-Four, introduces … Read more

How Can You Reduce The TTFB Value In WordPress?

Jak můžete snížit hodnotu TTFB u Wordpressu

In the context of SEO optimization and the fact that everyone undoubtedly wants to see their website at the top of search results, let’s take a look today at the role that website speed optimization plays. Specifically, we will focus on the Time To First Byte (TTFB) and how can you reduce the TTFB value in WordPress. This is one of the key metrics that indicates website loading speed, and search engines use this value in their metrics. What is TTFB – Time to First Byte TTFB (Time to First Byte) is a metric used … Read more

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