Sorry You are not Allowed to Upload this File Type

Jak můžu ve WordPressu nahrát nepovolený typ souboru?

Are you using the WordPress content management system on your website? You probably know that for enhanced security reasons, it only allows uploading certain file types. These typically include files commonly used in computer work, such as images, documents, or videos. Unfortunately, any other less typical file formats are prohibited by default in WordPress and need to be manually enabled. If you have ever encountered the error message “Sorry You are not Allowed to Upload this File Type,” you are in the right place. Let’s take a look at how to handle it. Sorry You … Read more

Why is it better to avoid lazy load on WordPress?

Proč se raději na WordPressu vyhnout lazy loadu

Lazy load is a technique that allows you to deceive metrics for measuring the speed of your website. It works on the principle that images on the website are loaded only when they are about to be displayed to the user. This can result in better results shown by tools like Pagespeed Insight or GTmetrix. But is lazy load really a good thing for the website? Let’s take a look at the topic from the opposite perspective and discuss why is it better to avoid lazy load on WordPress. It has its reasons. Why is … Read more

How to repair damaged tables in MySQL WordPress

Oprava poškozených tabulek v MySQL WordPressu

MySQL is one of the most popular database systems used in conjunction with WordPress. Its performance and reliability make it an ideal choice for managing websites. However, even with the best intentions and care, tables in the MySQL database can occasionally become corrupted. Let’s take a look at how the repair of damaged tables in MySQL WordPress can be done. If you encounter this problem, there is a simple way to restore the damaged tables and minimize data loss. In WordPress, you can utilize the “WP_ALLOW_REPAIR” function and proceed with the repair using a simple … Read more

Error establish a database connection

Během připojování k databázovému serveru došlo k chybě

WordPress, like any other content management system, requires two essential components to function properly: FTP and a MySQL database. WordPress uses FTP to store important PHP files, theme templates, plugins, as well as media such as images and files that are displayed on the website as attachments or content. The MySQL database is used by WordPress to store settings, taxonomies, user data, and the complete textual content of pages and posts. Occasionally, you may encounter an error message stating “Error establish a database connection” Today, we will explore why this error occurs and how to … Read more

The difference between classic and object cache in WordPress

Rozdíl mezi klasickou a objektovou cache u WordPressu

In today’s digital era, websites serve as the foundation for the success of many businesses and individuals. However, as your website becomes increasingly popular and attracts a large number of visitors, its speed and performance may start to decline. In such cases, it becomes essential to consider various optimization techniques, such as the use of caching. In this article, we will focus on two basic types of caching in the WordPress system. Additionally, we will explain the difference between classic and object cache in WordPress. The difference between classic and object cache in WordPress. Classic … Read more

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