How to prevent AdBlock users from viewing the website on WordPress

Jak zabránit uživatelům AdBlock v zobrazení webu na WordPressu

Many websites fund their operation through online ads. Unfortunately, ad-blocking extensions like AdBlock, Brave Shields, or uBlock Origin can significantly reduce ad revenue. If you’re running a WordPress site and rely on ads, you might be wondering how to deal with this issue. In this article, we’ll explore different strategies for handling AdBlock users and explain in detail how to block access for users with an active ad blocker using the CHP Ads Block Detector plugin. How to approach AdBlock users? Before diving into the technical solution, it’s important to think about how you want … Read more

WordPress Debugging Tools: How to Use Them Correctly

Debugovací nástroje WordPressu: Jak je správně používat

WordPress is a powerful and flexible content management system, but it may occasionally require debugging and error diagnostics. Built-in debugging tools help developers and website administrators detect errors, optimize performance, and resolve potential plugin or theme conflicts. So, how should you properly use the debug mode, and what should you watch out for? Key Debugging Constants in WordPress WordPress offers several built-in constants that enable the activation of debugging mode and provide more detailed information on errors and warnings. These constants are set in the wp-config.php file in the root folder of WordPress. To activate … Read more

How to increase the memory limit in WordPress

Vyčerpání paměti u WordPressu po přechodu na verzi 6.2

The memory limit in WordPress determines how much memory your site can use for running PHP scripts. If the limit is too low, you may encounter errors like “Allowed memory size exhausted,” meaning your site doesn’t have enough memory to perform operations. In this article, we’ll show you how to increase the memory limit in WordPress in various ways. Checking the Current Memory Limit Before making any changes, it’s a good idea to check your current limit. You can do this using the built-in Site Health feature in WordPress. Go to Tools > Site Health. … Read more

8 Proven Tips to Reduce Data Transfers on Your WordPress

8 tipů pro menší datové přenosy WordPress webu

Excessive network load can negatively impact the performance of your WordPress website, leading to slower page loading times and a poorer user experience. Reducing network transfers is crucial for optimizing speed and efficiency. Let’s explore how to minimize network demands in WordPress for a smoother experience. 8 Tips to Reduce Data Transfers on Your WordPress Site 1. Optimize and Compress Images Images often make up a significant portion of a page’s total size. Optimizing them before uploading is essential. Tools like TinyPNG or JPEGmini allow compression without quality loss. Additionally, plugins like Smush or EWWW … Read more

What’s Coming in WordPress 6.8? New Features and Improvements

Updatovat jako první WordPress, nebo pluginy?

WordPress 6.8 is the next major update to the popular CMS, bringing a range of enhancements focused on user experience, performance, and security. This version primarily improves the block editor, optimizes performance, and makes certain features more accessible to a broader user base. Let’s take a look at the key updates in WordPress 6.8. Block Editor Improvements One of the key elements of this new version is the enhancement of the block editor (Gutenberg). WordPress 6.8 introduces several new features and modifications that make content management easier and improve the overall user experience: Enhanced Query … Read more

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