Optimizing WordPress for SEO and how to improve it.

SEO optimalizace WordPressu a jak ji zlepšit

You may be familiar with the situation where you create a website and expect many users from across the internet to start visiting it shortly. Unfortunately, the times from around 2010, when simply creating a blog and writing regularly was enough to get noticed by both Google and people, are irreversibly gone. Websites, blogs, and … Read more

Why to use the rel=’nofollow’ attribute for external links within SEO?

Proč v rámci SEO používat u externích odkazů atribut rel=”nofollow”

Thanks to the widespread availability of the internet, domain ownership, and web hosting, SEO has become a critical aspect that cannot be underestimated in any way. A literal battle is being fought to rank at the top of search results, and it is often not easy to even rank on the first page. Therefore, even … Read more

How to enable web content searching and indexing on WordPress

Jak povolit prohledávání a indexování obsahu webu Na WordPressu

When you install WordPress, in its last section there is a checkbox with a setting that defines the indexation of the web. It’s a setting that determines whether you want to index the web using search robots or not. If you decide during the installation process that you do not want to index your site, … Read more

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