Want to improve your LCP metric? Use fetchpriority=”high”

Chcete zlepšit LCP metriku? Použijte atribut fetchpriority="high"

If you’re concerned about performance in various measured metrics on your website, you may also be interested in improving the LCP metric. LCP stands for Largest Contentful Paint. This metric measures the moment when the main content of your webpage is rendered, typically the featured image in the case of a blog. Want to improve your LCP metric? Use fetchpriority=”high” attribut. Below, we’ll explain what this attribute does and how it works. It can help you achieve better results in measured metrics. Want to improve your LCP metric? Use fetchpriority=”high” What is LCP metric? The … Read more

How to add fetchpriority=”high” to featured images using a snippet?

Snippet pro přidání fetchpriority="high" k náhledovým obrázkům

The snippet in this article has a simple task. It adds the attribute fetchpriority=”high” to every featured image on your website or blog. This attribute ensures that the web browser prioritizes the featured image and tries to display it as quickly as possible. This can significantly help with measuring LCP metrics. So, if you’re looking for a guide, how to add fetchpriority=”high” to featured images using a snippet, you can find it below. How to add fetchpriority=”high” to featured images using a snippet? What are featured images? Thumbnail images on WordPress websites play an important … Read more

How to change the email of WordPress administrator in MySQL

Jak na změnu e-mailu administrátora WordPressu v MySQL

Sometimes you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation with WordPress where you don’t know the login credentials and don’t have the option to reset them because the administrator’s email is not functional. However, there is a solution to this situation if you have at least access to the MySQL database. Let’s see how to change the email of the WordPress administrator in MySQL. It’s not difficult, and it can save you from a lot of trouble. How to change the email of the WordPress administrator in MySQL In the first step, log in to … Read more

How to solve Loss Of Password For WordPress Administration

Ztráta hesla do administrace Wordpressu a jeho resetování

Perhaps you have experienced a situation where you wanted to log in to the administration of your website built on WordPress and with horror, you realized that you forgot your password. Almost everyone has likely experienced such a situation on any service. If you are a beginner when it comes to WordPress, you are probably most interested in how to solve loss of password for WordPress administration. It’s simple to reset it. Let’s take a step-by-step look at the whole process. How to solve Loss Of Password For WordPress Administration One thing I should mention … Read more

Why did I start writing a blog (again)?

Proč jsem začal psát blog (zase)?

It’s evening, quite late already, and the laptop monitor is glowing on the table, next to a finished cup of tea. For the past few evenings, I’ve had a text editor open on my laptop, writing a technical article for my blog. Some text revisions, finding an interesting thumbnail image from an image bank, and I can start publishing the article on the website. I’m already far beyond the 700-article mark. So why exactly am I doing this? Why did I start writing a blog (again)? Why did I start writing a blog (again)? Because … Read more

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