4 Most Popular Age Restriction Plugins for WordPress

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Last updated December 6th, 2023 06:04

If you sell products or promote goods that are sensitive to age, it’s important to verify the user’s age before granting access. Many countries, for instance, have laws and regulations that require websites to verify the age of their users. This is common in the case of selling alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, vape, tattoos, and other similar products. So take a look on 4 most popular age restriction plugins for WordPress.

Similarly, various videos and games are not suitable for minors and require age restrictions. You can also add age verification to your membership websites if they contain sensitive content. One simple way to add age verification to WordPress sites is through a plugin.

You don’t need to modify any code or hire developers. Moreover, with the plugin, you can display a confirmation form or pop-up window where users can directly enter their age before accessing the content or purchasing the product. As mentioned, let’s take a look at the 4 most commonly used age restriction plugins for WordPress.


Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpforms-lite/

WPForms is the best beginner-friendly contact form plugin that allows you to create other types of forms as well. It offers a drag-and-drop form builder and comes with 500+ pre-built form templates. WPForms also provides an add-on called “Form Locker” that allows you to set age restrictions through a form. You can choose age as the form’s verification type and also set the age limit. Users will have to enter their date of birth before accessing the content on your website.

With WPForms, you can create forms for various situations. The plugin lets you create login or registration forms that only allow registered users to access website content.

Unfortunately, you will need the paid version of the plugin to access all these features. That is WPForms Pro, which costs just under $200 per year.

4 nejpoužívanější pluginy pro omezení věku na WordPressu


Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/optinmonster/

OptinMonster is the best plugin for generating potential customers for WordPress. It helps you get more people interested in your website content, newsletter, and increases website conversions. With OptinMonster, you can create marketing campaigns, including popup windows for age verification. You can add various elements to popup windows such as images, buttons, videos, and more. You can create a simple lightbox popup for age verification with Yes/No options or display a popup window where visitors must enter their birth date.

The plugin also provides display rules settings that allow you to choose when and where your prompts will appear. For example, you can display an age verification prompt on selected pages, or hide it for users who have already verified their age.

The price for the paid version of the plugin is $9 per month.

4 nejpoužívanější pluginy pro omezení věku na WordPressu

Age Gate

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/age-gate/

Age Gate is a free plugin that allows you to easily restrict website content based on user age. It offers 3 different options for adding age verification. You can display a dropdown menu and let visitors select a specific age, allow users to enter their exact date of birth, or simply offer a Yes/No option for verifying the minimum age requirement.

In the plugin settings, you can choose to restrict the entire website or select individual pages based on age (+7, +13, +15, etc.). This gives you the ability to set different age limits for specific content, if the content is intended for a larger group of users and requires differentiation of age groups.

4 nejpoužívanější pluginy pro omezení věku na WordPressu


Plugin URL: https://memberpress.com/

MemberPress is an excellent WordPress plugin for managing memberships on your website. It allows you to create a simple membership site and offer products and services based on subscriptions.

With MemberPress, you can add age restrictions, for example, to prevent members under 18 from accessing certain content or courses. By setting an age limit, you can restrict access to such content.

In addition to age restrictions, MemberPress offers other interesting features. It provides full control over who can access specific content, allows you to release paid content at a specific time, add payment gateways, and more. You can also create and sell online courses using MemberPress’s “Course Builder” feature.

The plugin’s pricing starts at around $179 per year.

4 nejpoužívanější pluginy pro omezení věku na WordPressu

4 Most Popular Age Restriction Plugins for WordPress – conclusion.

Everyone has different preferences, and those were just 4 of the most commonly used age restriction plugins on WordPress out of many. However, overall, if you are looking for a paid plugin, WPForms and OptinMonster seem to be the best options currently offered by WordPress. If you are just starting out and do not want to spend a lot of money, you can try using Age Gate.

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