How to enable web content searching and indexing on WordPress

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Last updated December 6th, 2023 06:21

When you install WordPress, in its last section there is a checkbox with a setting that defines the indexation of the web. It’s a setting that determines whether you want to index the web using search robots or not. If you decide during the installation process that you do not want to index your site, it is good to know how to enable web content searching and indexing on WordPress later.

How to enable web content searching and indexing on WordPress

Before you change the settings, take a look on situations, when and why you can the field for indexation disallow.

In fact, if you disable the site’s indexation, you are also prohibiting search robots from storing and offering web content in search results. This is especially appropriate for sites that are still in preparation, or for test sites. But think about whether it’s better to use an under construction plugin in this case and hide the site completely until it’s finished.


Can you enable re-searching and indexing of web content on WordPress?

Yes, you can. And basically it’s not hard at all. To enable indexing, just go to “Settings” in the left-hand menu and choose the “Reading” link here.

Search engine availability settings can be found at the very end of the tab of this setting. Just tick the box and save the new settings.
How to enable web content searching and indexing on WordPress

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