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Last updated December 6th, 2023 06:30
If you’re a regular reader of foreign language books and use any Onyx Boox e-reader, you might be interested in learning how to add a new dictionary to Onyx Boox e-reader?.
Onyx Boox e-readers offer the ability to add custom dictionaries that may not come pre-installed. This feature can be particularly helpful when you come across unfamiliar words or phrases while reading, allowing you to easily translate them on the go.
How to add a new dictionary to Onyx Boox e-reader?
First, you will need to download the desired dictionary. You can download dictionaries for your e-reader entirely for free on my website, specifically at this link: Dictionaries for the Onyx Boox e-reader
Dictionaries for the Onyx Boox e-reader
Here, you can find the dictionary you need and download it to your computer. Unzip the dictionary file, and you will get a total of 3 files with the extensions .dz, .idx, and .ifo.
You will then need to upload these files to your e-reader. It is useful to have a file manager installed in your e-reader for this action.
In the file manager, find the folder named storage/dicts.
In this folder, create a new subfolder named after the selected dictionary. For example, the folder could be named En-Cz (which is a translation dictionary from English to Czech).
Then, move the three unzipped files mentioned above to this newly created folder (storage/dicts/en-cz).
How to use the new dictionary:
- Go to the application manager
- Click on settings
- Choose the preferred dictionary
Once you have completed these steps, simply hold down a word you do not know in a book, and options with translations will appear.
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