Easy WordPress Administration – Watch This Guide

User roles in Wordpress

WordPress administration is the fundamental tool available to website administrators immediately after installing the WordPress content management system. Through administration, the entire system is configured and managed. It is therefore a crucial and essential part of WordPress. In this guide, we will explore the individual menu items, what you can find in them, and what specific settings or management tasks can be done through them. So take a look on article “Easy WordPress Administration – Watch This Guide”. Basic administration address: yourdomain.tld/wp-admin Basic administration address: yourdomain.tld/wp-admin Table of content Easy WordPress Administration – Watch This … Read more

How to easily fix the Wordfence plugin error

Kritická chyba pluginu Wordfence po změně serveru

Are you using the Wordfence security plugin on your website and have you migrated your WordPress to a different server? If you answered yes to both questions, it is highly likely that you have encountered or will encounter a critical PHP error for the “wordfence-waf.php” file. Below, we will discuss how such a critical Wordfence plugin error appears after server migration and how to easily fix the Wordfence plugin error. How To Easily Fix The Wordfence Plugin Error After Migration To a New Server When you migrate WordPress with the Wordfence plugin to a different … Read more

How to keep your WordPress data safe: best backup plugin

Chraňte svá data a zálohujte si WordPress

Anyone who has ever created websites would probably agree with me that even a small website can take many hours of work. Especially when the “developer” is a perfectionist and wants to play around with every little detail. In such cases, the data on FTP and in MySQL become even more valuable. You simply don’t want to lose them. And such a situation can occur at any time. A faulty plugin, a compromised WordPress installation, or simply human error and mistake. You can easily come up with at least ten scenarios on the fingers of … Read more

Make Your Web Awesome With Interactive Text Bubbles

Interaktivní bubliny s popisem textu ve WordPressu

Improving the user experience of a website and attracting users to read the content is the goal of every website or blog owner. There are many tools available for this purpose, and today I would like to focus on one of them. It’s called a tooltip, and it essentially refers to interactive text bubbles in WordPress. With tooltips, you can enrich the text with an interactive element that can explain a term mentioned in the text, which might otherwise be misunderstood. So make your web awesome with interactive text bubbles with new plugin for WordPress. … Read more

Do you need to obtain system information in WordPress?

Potřebujete ve WordPressu získat systémové informace?

Do you need to obtain system information in WordPress? WordPress can natively display many system information that can reveal important factors affecting your website. Such information may include PHP version, server PHP limits, FTP folders and their sizes, and more. WordPress is capable of displaying these system information directly in the administration interface. In this article, we will focus on where you can find system information in WordPress. We will explore a lesser-known item in the admin menu called “Site Health“. Do you need to obtain system information in WordPress? Site Health is a menu item … Read more

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