Is It Good To Deactivate Heartbeat In WordPress?

Je dobré deaktivovat Heartbeat ve WordPressu?

On the internet, you’ll find numerous articles describing WordPress backend optimization and speeding up administration. Many of these sources suggest that disabling the Heartbeat function in WordPress is a great way to achieve faster administration and responsiveness. However, let’s ask a simple question: Is it good to deactivate Heartbeat in WordPress? Definitely not, or to be more precise, not always. Disabling Heartbeat can actually bring more issues than benefits in certain cases. Let’s see why below. What is the purpose of the WordPress Heartbeat function? The WordPress core maintains a connection between the browser and … Read more

How To Easily Regenerate Permalinks In WordPress


From time to time, the URL structure in WordPress may break. You can easily identify this issue on your website when you encounter a 404 error every time you click on a link. This can be frustrating, especially if you are unaware that fixing this error can be relatively straightforward. All you need to do is regenerate the permalink structure. I dare say that this solution resolves approximately 90% of cases involving malfunctioning URLs. The remaining 10% may be attributed to other errors, such as SSL certificate problems or others. In this guide, I will … Read more

How to disable XML-RPC in WordPress using a snippet

Jak ve WordPressu zakážete XML-RPC pomocí snippetu

XML-RPC (XML Remote Procedure Call) is a feature in WordPress that allows communication with your website through external applications, services, or other websites. It’s like a telephone line that enables WordPress to interact with other systems or applications. Imagine you own a WordPress blog and want to write new posts from your mobile phone. XML-RPC allows you to use a mobile application that can connect to your website and publish articles directly from your phone. This way, you can easily update your blog or share news even when you are not directly connected to the … Read more

How to exclude a specific category from the RSS using a snippet

Jak vyjmout určitou kategorii z RSS feedu pomocí snippetu

RSS is a feature in WordPress. It allows readers to subscribe to and display updates from your website’s content using RSS readers. It’s like a subscription. It enables people to follow new articles, posts, or updates on your blog without the need to regularly visit your website. In WordPress, RSS generates a special file called a “feed” that contains a list of the latest posts and their content. This file structure is in XML format, and an RSS reader can actively read the file, monitor changes, and present new articles to readers. Readers can subscribe to … Read more

How to disable comments in WordPress using a snippet

Jak ve WordPressu zakázat komentáře pomocí snippetu

Comments are an integral part of the WordPress blogging platform. They allow users on your website to interact with the content you present. In the case of a blog, such comments are desirable as they help build a community and provide users with the opportunity to ask questions or express their opinions about your website and its content. However, there are situations where comments are not desired. These could be business presentations or pages unrelated to the blog where comments are not suitable. Fortunately, comments can be easily disabled. Here I will show you how … Read more

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