Migrating WordPress From A Subdomain With Easy Way

wordpress main

Many WordPress developers often perform website redesigns outside of the main presentation. There are many reasons to do it this way. The new website is placed on the same web server, so there is the same limit and PHP settings, and the website can run online right away. This means that its content can be shown to the client at any time. However, as with everything else, after the work is completed, the data from the subdomain needs to be migrated to the main domain, which comes with certain complications. In today’s article, I would … Read more

How to change forgotten administrator password in phpBB

Jak změnit zapomenuté heslo administrátora v PHPBB

If you have installed a discussion forum using the phpBB content management system, you may find yourself in a situation where you forget your login password. In that case, it’s good to know how to change the forgotten administrator password in phpBB. If you have access to the MySQL database, you can solve the situation as follows. How to change forgotten administrator password in PHPBB The first and important step is to have access to the MySQL database, for example, using the phpMyAdmin tool. The login credentials for MySQL should be provided to you by … Read more

How To Easily Enable Automatic Call Recording On Xiaomi


Automatic call recording on Xiaomi mobile phone is a feature, that is very useful to you virtually all the time. And it really doesn’t matter what reason you have to record your phone call’s. Furthermore, since Google has started to block this functionality on Android phone’s thanks to GDPR, you are able to use this function natively on fewer and fewer phone’s. So, how you can turn on automatic calls recording on your Xiaomi device? Unfortunately, the following instructions you can’t apply to all XIAOMI phone’s. How to enable automatic call recording on Xiaomi turn … Read more

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