Why do backlinks play such an important role in SEO?

Proč hrají zpětné odkazy tak důležitou roli v SEO?

If you’ve ever dealt with optimizing your website for search engines, you’ve probably come across the topic of backlinks. Backlinks are indeed a fundamental building block in any search engine optimization. So, why do backlinks play such an important role in SEO? Let’s try to briefly explain that in this article. Ultimately, you don’t necessarily … Read more

Why Is Domain Authority Important For SEO?

doménová autorita

If you’ve ever delved into search engine optimization (SEO), you’ve likely come across the term ‘domain authority.’ It’s a critical factor that can significantly impact your website’s performance in search engine results (SERP). So, what does domain authority actually mean, how is it measured, and what impact does it have on SEO? Domain authority (abbreviated … Read more

Abbreviations And Metrics In SEO. Do You Know Them All?

Víte, co znamenají jednotlivé zkratky a metriky v SEO?

If you are creating websites, there is one thing you will have to deal with sooner or later to be visible on the internet. This will introduce you to the term SEO. SEO involves techniques used to optimize a website to move it to higher positions in search results. Logically, the higher a search engine … Read more

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