How Easily fix the error of the AIO SEO in the Vue.php

Jak opravit chybu pluginu AIO SEO v souboru Vue.php

About a week ago, I migrated the website from the Yoast SEO plugin to the paid plugin All In One SEO (AIO SEO). After some time working on the website, I noticed a significant increase in the Apache web server’s error log. Unfortunately, AIO SEO kept generating a PHP error that was being logged, causing the log to expand considerably. In this article, we’ll take a look at how easily fix the error of the AIO SEO in the Vue.php file. We’ll examine the error the plugin is generating and also a very simple way … Read more

How to create a mega menu easily with Elementor

Jak snadno vytvoříte mega menu pomocí Elementoru

If you’re dealing with designing your own website, you probably already know that the website menu will be crucial for your visitors. It’s the main guide through which they can navigate the site. The trend in today’s websites is replacing traditional and outdated menus with a new method called a mega menu. As the name suggests, it’s an expanded menu with many additional features. How to create a mega menu easily with Elementor, and what benefits you can gain from this menu, we’ll demonstrate below. How to create a mega menu easily with Elementor If … Read more

How to update a WordPress theme without losing customizations

Jak aktualizovat šablonu WordPressu bez ztráty vlastních úprav

On WordPress as a website management system, there’s one fantastic thing: how easily it can be customized. You can easily modify the system’s behavior using plugins or alter the appearance of the current template using PHP code. However, I’d like to address a specific concern with modifying the template using inserted code. There’s an issue here. When updating the template, you can easily lose all your modifications. The template gets overwritten, and the inserted PHP code simply disappears. In this article, I’d like to show you how to update a WordPress theme without losing customizations, … Read more

How to enable maintenance mode in WordPress

Jak zapnete režim údržby ve WordPressu

Are you managing one or multiple WordPress websites? If you answered yes, then you’re likely aware that WordPress maintenance occasionally requires intervention. This involves updating plugins, the system’s core, theme templates, or other aspects. In such situations, it’s good practice to put your website into maintenance mode. Essentially, this temporarily deactivates the site for your visitors during maintenance. As the site administrator, you won’t notice any change. However, users won’t be able to access the site and will only see an information notice indicating that the site is currently under maintenance. How do you enable … Read more

How To Resolve The 404 Error In WordPress 6.4 With PolyLang

Jak vyřešit chybu 404 u WordPressu 6.4 s PolyLang

Last week, the long-awaited new version of WordPress 6.4 was released. Shortly thereafter, within a 24-hour window, developers released another update in the form of version 6.4.1. WordPress itself encountered significant issues with this update, affecting tools like Oxygen Builder, among others. Many WordPress users, including myself, started experiencing a 404 error on every page and post, rendering the content inaccessible. The common denominator was the PolyLang plugin for multilingual websites. In this article, I will show two options how to resolve the 404 errorin WordPress 6.4 with PolyLang. Sometimes, the first option alone works, … Read more

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