How to enable maintenance mode in WordPress

Jak zapnete režim údržby ve WordPressu

Are you managing one or multiple WordPress websites? If you answered yes, then you’re likely aware that WordPress maintenance occasionally requires intervention. This involves updating plugins, the system’s core, theme templates, or other aspects. In such situations, it’s good practice to put your website into maintenance mode. Essentially, this temporarily deactivates the site for your visitors during maintenance. As the site administrator, you won’t notice any change. However, users won’t be able to access the site and will only see an information notice indicating that the site is currently under maintenance. How do you enable … Read more

What beginners need to know about WordPress

co jako začátečník potřebujete znát o WordPressu

Are you thinking about creating your own website or blog and have decided to use WordPress for it? Then you’re probably interested in many really basic questions about this popular content management system. So, I’ve tried to compile questions about what beginners need to know about WordPress. Let’s take a look at them. What beginners need to know about WordPress What is WordPress? WordPress is a free, open-source content management system (CMS). It allows you to easily create websites, blogs, or online stores. Currently, WordPress is used by tens of millions of websites worldwide. You … Read more

How to change user password in WordPress using MySQL

Video návod na změnu hesla uživatele ve WordPressu pomocí MySQL

If you forget your WordPress admin password, that’s a pain. There are a few mechanisms you can use to reset your password. If they all fail, because you have a broken email address, for example, there is still another option. This option allows you to set a new password for your user. However, you will need access to the MySQL database administration. So let’s take a look at a simple video tutorial on how to change a user password in WordPress using MySQL. The whole process takes a maximum of two minutes. How to change … Read more

Deactivating all WordPress plugins outside the administration

Deaktivace všech pluginů WordPressu

WordPress is a content management system that users customize using plugins and theme templates. These plugins are developed by third-party developers, and it’s easy for one of them not only to malfunction on your website but also to crash it entirely, making it inaccessible. In certain situations, this could pose a significant issue, especially when the crash prevents access not just to the website but also to the administration panel where you could deactivate the problematic plugin. However, there is a solution. Deactivating all WordPress plugins outside the administration is not only possible but also … Read more

How Can You Reduce The TTFB Value In WordPress?

Jak můžete snížit hodnotu TTFB u Wordpressu

In the context of SEO optimization and the fact that everyone undoubtedly wants to see their website at the top of search results, let’s take a look today at the role that website speed optimization plays. Specifically, we will focus on the Time To First Byte (TTFB) and how can you reduce the TTFB value in WordPress. This is one of the key metrics that indicates website loading speed, and search engines use this value in their metrics. What is TTFB – Time to First Byte TTFB (Time to First Byte) is a metric used … Read more

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