PHP paramaters, versions and limits on Forpsi webhostings


Forpsi offers shared web hosting on Windows operating system servers, e.g. for ASP applications, and also on Linux operating system servers for PHP aplications. Take a look, which PHP paramaters, versions and limits on Forpsi webhostings you can get. Here you can see which versions PHP are available at this moment (11/2022). These versions can be set in the administration and are specifically in the following versions: 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 What is PHP? PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language that is widely used for developing dynamic websites and web applications. … Read more

How to change the PHP version of webhosting


When you are creating a site, editing it, or updating your system (especially with WordPress), you may encounter a situation, where you are forced to change your PHP version to a higher one, or vice versa, to a lower one, than currently set on webhosting. With Forpsi, there is a specific choice of several possible versions, namely from 5.xx to 7.xx. So take a look, how to change the PHP version of webhosting The change of variant could be done via customer administration ( and after the change is saved, it will take effect … Read more

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