What is the CIA triad and what is the purpose of this concept?

Co je to CIA triáda a k čemu tento koncept slouží

The CIA triad is an information security concept that plays a crucial role in safeguarding data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This term emerged as a fundamental guideline to ensure information security. It is widely utilized in the IT security and cyber environment. Let’s delve into the basics of cybersecurity and what is the CIA triad and what is the purpose of this concept. It constitutes a fundamental element in how cybersecurity operates. What is the CIA triad and what is the purpose of this concept? During the process of digitization and the rise of information … Read more

8 CISSP security domains

8 CISSP bezpečnostních domén

CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) is an internationally recognized certification program in the field of cybersecurity, managed by the organization (ISC). This certification confirms the expertise and knowledge of professionals working in the cybersecurity domain. The CISSP certification is divided into eight primary areas of knowledge, known as CISSP domains. These domains reflect various aspects of cybersecurity and encompass key skills and topics necessary for the successful protection of information systems. Let’s take a look at the 8 CISSP security domains, their purpose, and how they are categorized. 8 CISSP Security Domains: Security and … Read more

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