Speed Up Your WordPress With Super Easy Trick


Speed up your WordPress – turn off WP CRON. The automatic task scheduler, or CRON, in WordPress handles various automatic actions. These actions do not require manual intervention by the website administrator. These actions include scheduled post publishing and other actions that are meant to occur periodically. However, the problem with WP CRON is that it is a virtual CRON. It is triggered every time a user visits the website. If your website has multiple users, this can have a significant impact on its speed as CRON negatively affects page loading times and server load. … Read more

How to embed a Google calendar using iframe in WordPress


For WordPress as a content management system, there are many plugins that can work with Google Calendar. They can be used to add events as well as display already saved events. Today, I would like to show you how to embed a Google Calendar using an iframe in WordPress. This means creating a calendar on Google.com and then easily inserting it into a WordPress page without using plugins, using an iframe. It’s quick and it’s very simple. How to embed a Google calendar using iframe in WordPress How to create a new calendar? Assuming that … Read more

How to fight against disinformation


We live in modern times when practically everyone has some kind of device for consuming content. At the very least, we can say that the vast majority of the population living in the Czech Republic has a mobile phone, computer, tablet, notebook, or anything else that has access to the internet and its content. Social media has also become a significant part of our lives, with platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Tiktok. Every day, we are confronted with a flood of information that can sometimes be challenging to decipher in terms of whether the information … Read more

How to easily fix broken links in WordPress


If you are forced to change the domain for which WordPress was installed, it may happen that after renaming the website, there is a problem with the pretty URLs. When you click on any link in the menu, you will only receive a server error message, usually a 404 error. The solution, which usually works immediately and is very simple, involves regenerating the pretty URL addresses through the WordPress administration. Let’s see how you can fix the broken links after WordPress is renamed. Broken links after WordPress is renamed What are pretty URLs? Pretty URLs … Read more

How to enable GZIP compression using .htaccess file


Modern websites contain many elements besides images that are not immediately visible to the average user. These can include fonts, CSS files, and many other website elements. All of them must be sent from the server to the user’s browser. The larger the amount of data that needs to be transferred, the longer it will take for the website to load. Sometime caching plugins can help with website loading times by actively storing data in the cache. Another method that can significantly improve website loading times is the use of GZIP compression. Let’s take a … Read more

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