The WordPress 6.2 beta version is available

Wordpress 6.2 beta 1

The WordPress 6.2 beta version 1 is available. This version of the WordPress content management system is currently in development. Do not install, run, or test this version of WordPress on production or critically important websites. Please try version 6.2 beta 1 on a testing server and website. WordPress 6.2 Beta 1 includes the following list of fixes and improvements: Beta label is gone. Signaling that the Site Editor is stable and ready for anyone to explore, create, and experiment! Distraction. Free mode for a clear, focused writing experience. A new Site Editor interface shows … Read more

Script for file upload in PHP and CHMOD to 755

příklady skriptů

Sometimes, it is necessary to use a simple form to upload files to the FTP of your website. Here is a complete script for file upload in PHP using the chmod function to change permissions to 755 and with a form for selecting the file (you can adjust the permissions using chmod in the script to your own desired ones). Keep in mind that the maximum file size is governed by the limit set in the php.ini file of the website. Therefore, you will likely be limited by the file size, especially if you are … Read more

The sitemap.xml file and its usage.

Soubor sitemap.xml a jeho využití

The sitemap.xml file is used to map the web pages on your website. Its purpose is to provide search engines, such as Google or Bing, with information about all the pages on your website, so they can better index its content. With the sitemap.xml file, search engines can display your pages more quickly and efficiently in their search results. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the sitemap.xml file and its usage. What the sitemap.xml file contains The sitemap.xml file contains a list of all the URLs on your website, as well as … Read more

The robots.txt file and its examples

Soubor robots.txt a jeho příklady

The robots.txt file is a text file that specifies which pages or sections of a web server can be indexed by search engines such as Google, Seznam, Bing, etc. Essentially, this file serves as an instruction for search engines to not index sensitive or unwanted content on your website. It is a simple way to tell search engines which pages can or cannot be included in their search results. Let’s take a closer look at the robots.txt file and its examples. The robots.txt file is uploaded to the root directory of the website. For example, … Read more

Redirecting domain without www to domain with www using .htaccess

příklady skriptů a kódů

The following code in the .htaccess file allows you to redirecting domain without www to domain with www using .htaccess: What is .htaccess file? The htaccess file, short for “hypertext access,” is a configuration file used by web servers, such as Apache, to control website access and modify server behavior. It is typically stored in the root directory of a website. It also contains directives that dictate specific rules and instructions to the server. The htaccess file can be used to password protect directories, control access to files and folders. With this file you can … Read more

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