How to enable debug mode and debug log in WordPress

Jak ve WordPressu zapnout debug mode a debug log

If you own a website built on WordPress, you have probably experienced situations when a plugin or the content management system didn’t work correctly. This situation happens often, and it can be helpful to look under the hood of the errors that WordPress generates. To make it easier to identify the error, WordPress has a tool called debug mode. By enabling this feature, you can more easily find errors.  Also, with the option to turn on logging, get a final output of error messages that you can use to begin troubleshooting. In this article, I … Read more

How to add icons to the main menu in WordPress

Jak přidat ikony do hlavního menu WordPressu

You may have also seen a WordPress main menu created with icons placed before each menu item, just like the one I have here on my blog. Since I wanted to avoid using menu creation plugins and usually use Font Awesome as my icon plugin, today I’ll show you how to add icons to the main menu in WordPress. Simply and quickly. What is the WordPress main menu? The main menu in WordPress is an essential part of a website because it allows visitors to quickly find what they’re looking for. Typically located at the … Read more

The WordPress Plugin Repository

Adresář pluginů WordPressu: Vyhledávání a instalace rozšíření vašeho webu

If you’re a WordPress website owner, you probably already know that plugins are a key element in customizing and extending the functionality of your site. WordPress offers a huge repository (directory) of plugins where you can find various types of extensions that you can use to enhance your website. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to use the WordPress plugin repository. WordPress Plugin Repository: Searching and Installing Extensions for Your Website The plugin repository is a web page that you can find on the official WordPress website ( Here you can find … Read more

Should I update WordPress or plugins first?

Updatovat jako první WordPress, nebo pluginy?

Not sure whether to update the content management system first and then individual plugins during a major update? Many beginners are afraid of updates and prefer not to perform them at all. They fear that an unprofessional intervention may break the already-built website. Today, we will look at whether it is better to update the system or plugins first. Perhaps the answered question of whether to update WordPress or plugins first will help you not to be afraid of such actions. After all, it is not as difficult as it may seem. Why keep WordPress … Read more

Is WordPress really a bad content management system?

Je WordPress opravdu špatný redakční systém?

From time to time, you may hear from various sources that WordPress is a bad content management system that is unsuitable for building websites. Such information can be confusing, especially if someone is just getting acquainted with this CMS and does not have enough information to verify whether it is true. However, would WordPress be so massively used if it were really a bad system? Let’s ask a few questions and provide some relevant information. Is WordPress really a bad content management system? Yes or no? Is WordPress really a bad content management system? First, … Read more

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