How to fix 0x80072f8f – 0x20000 when Update Windows 7 to 10

Update Windows 7 na Windows 10 - chyba 0x80072f8f - 0x20000

I’ve got my hands on an older notebook that needed a Windows 7 reinstall followed by an upgrade to Windows 10. Sounds like a straightforward task. Although automatic update through Windows Update isn’t possible anymore, Microsoft still provides the Media Creation Tool for such purposes. Using this tool, you should be able to upgrade the old operating system to the new one. Well, until this tool starts reporting an unidentified error 0x80072f8f – 0x20000. The update simply isn’t possible. Error 0x80072f8f – 0x20000 You can find many guides on the internet on how to fix … Read more

How to set up two-factor authentication for WordPress administration

Jak nastavit dvoufaktorové ověření administrace WordPressu

The security of access to the WordPress administration is a fundamental step in keeping your content management system safe from unauthorized access. To achieve this, it is possible to secure the administration with an additional verification step. With two-factor authentication, unauthorized individuals will not be able to access WordPress even if they know the correct login and password. Let’s take a look at how to set up two-factor authentication. Installation of the WP 2FA Plugin – Two-factor authentication for WordPress Two-factor authentication for accessing the WordPress administration can be easily set up using the free … Read more

WordPress 6.4.3 – what does the new update fix?

Jak ve WordPressu zakázat automatické aktualizace

This security and maintenance update, WordPress 6.4.3, includes 5 bug fixes in the core, 16 bug fixes in the Block Editor, and 2 security fixes. As it is a security update, it is recommended to promptly update your websites. You can download WordPress 6.4.3 from or perform the update from your admin interface. Click on “Updates” and then on the “Update Now” button. If you have websites that support automatic background updates, the update process will initiate automatically. What does WordPress 6.4.3 fix? WordPress 6.4.3 addresses several security issues and 21 additional bugs. For … Read more

How to easily mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress

Jak ztížit brute force útok do WordPressu

WordPress is a system currently used by approximately 40% of websites worldwide. Due to its widespread use, it is also a relatively common target for hackers seeking to access your data or simply damage your website. A brute force attack is a technique where a hacker tries usernames and passwords repeatedly until they find the correct combination. In this article, we will demonstrate how to mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress using three methods that are effective. How to mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress – 3 proven methods Method 1 – Disable … Read more

Important points to know when changing the WordPress theme

SEznam bodů, které potřebujete znát když měníte vzhled svého WordPressu

The website appearance is a crucial factor that allows you to quickly turn a casual visitor into a regular one. How people feel on your website significantly influences whether they will return, read your content, or immediately leave to find information elsewhere. Therefore, it’s important not to underestimate the choice of the template. So, what should you not forget when changing the WordPress theme? I’ll explore that in this article through 10 points I consider highly important 1. Note all manual WordPress theme modifications Before uploading a new appearance template to your website, you should … Read more

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