How to manually install WordPress using FTP

video návod instalace wordpressu

In this video, I would like to show you how to manually install WordPress using FTP on web hosting provided by Forpsi. However, the installation process is practically the same on all web hosting programs and it doesn’t matter whether you are using a website from Forpsi or not. Forpsi company Forpsi is a Czech company specializing in providing internet services and hosting solutions for both businesses and individuals. Since 1997, they have focused on high-quality technical support and the reliability of their services. Currently, Forpsi offers a wide range of products, including web hosting, … Read more

Why it’s important to add alternative text to images

Proč je důležité doplňovat alternativní text k obrázkům

When creating a website, not just on the WordPress CMS, it’s important to focus on making it content-rich. But also, you must be discoverable since you’re already investing so much time. You may have heard of SEO optimization. It is a technique that uses well-known practices to increase the probability of someone stumbling upon your website while searching for a particular keyword or phrase through a search engine. The higher the ranking, the higher the likelihood of a user clicking the link and visiting your site. Let’s focus on why it’s important to add alternative text … Read more

How to change the WordPress theme

Jak změnit šablonu vzhledu ve Wordpressu

If you’re starting with WordPress, the first steps that will likely interest you will be related to the appearance of your website. And with that comes the change of the appearance template. It’s quite simple and very intuitive in WordPress. I would dare to say that choosing a template is more demanding than actually changing the appearance. There are hundreds of them, and not all of them are of high quality, both in terms of design and source code. So if you’re wondering how to change the WordPress theme, you’re in the right place. What … Read more

What is a child theme and how can you create one in WordPress?

jak vytvořit child template

What is a child theme and how can you create one? A child theme is a theme template in which you can make modifications to scripts without affecting the scripts of the main (parent) template. Technically, you upload a theme template to WordPress according to your preferences, and then create a child theme, or a derived version of it, using a plugin, for example. Then, you set the child theme as the primary theme in WordPress. The great advantage of this approach is that whenever you make manual code changes to the scripts of the … Read more

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