How to Easily Limit Revisions in WordPress

Jak jednoduše omezit revize ve WordPressu

Revisions in WordPress are automatically saved versions of posts and pages that allow you to revert to previous content versions. Every edit to a post or page creates a new revision, which can be useful when you want to go back to content before editing. However, problems with revisions can arise when there are many of them on the site, often numbering in the hundreds or even thousands, especially on websites with a large number of posts. Blogs are particularly affected by this. With a high number of revisions, you may notice slower website responses … Read more

How to Easily Add Table of Contents in WordPress

table of content wordpress

A Table of Contents (TOC) is a list of links that displays the main headings or sections of an article. It is typically placed at the beginning of a post, allowing readers to quickly navigate to the section they are interested in. Some page builders, such as Elementor or SeedProd, offer this feature through a built-in widget. However, if you are using the default Gutenberg editor, adding a TOC manually can be challenging. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use a custom snippet to automatically generate and insert a Table of Contents at … Read more

How to easily disable the Gutenberg editor using code

Jak provést zátěžový test Vašeho WordPressu - hlavní náhledový obrázek ke článku

WordPress is a great content management system, but it divides its users into two groups. The first group is those who absolutely love the native block editor Gutenberg, and the second group is those who hate it. There’s probably nothing in between. If you belong to the second group, you’ll be interested in how you can disable Gutenberg. This is possible with a short code that you can add to your website using the WPCode plugin. Installing the WP Code plugin To add code to your website, you can choose between two options. You can … Read more

How to easily disable WordPress login with e-mail address

Jak zakázat přihlášení do WordPressu pomocí e-mailové adresy

Administration of WordPress allows login by default using username and password. As login, you can choose either an email address or the administrator’s username. From a security perspective, can an email address pose a security risk? Why? The overwhelming majority of website owners have their email addresses in contacts directly on the website. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, this email address also serves as the login to WordPress. For a potential attacker, this makes it one of the known access credentials. Just guessing the password is enough. Fortunately, it is possible to disable … Read more

How To Disable Displaying Articles Of A Subcategory In The Main Category of WordPress

zobrazování článků subkategorie v hlavní kategorii WordPressu

WordPress uses two primary taxonomies for website organization: Posts and Pages. Posts are further categorized into categories and sometimes into subcategories. For instance, you might have a category like ‘Cars’ with associated subcategories like ‘Diesel,’ ‘Gasoline,’ and ‘Electric.’ The issue arises when an article is assigned solely to a subcategory. It not only appears in that subcategory (‘Electric’) but also in the main category (‘Cars’). These categories are commonly referred to as parent and child. Essentially, if you assign an article to the ‘Electric’ subcategory, it will simultaneously display in the main ‘Cars’ category. As … Read more

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