How to better secure WordPress administration?

Jak zlepši zabezpečení administrace Wordpressu

The administration of WordPress is a critical component of this content management system, which is often targeted by various attacks. These attacks can range from brute-force attacks on login credentials, to DDoS attacks, and even attempts to add a user with root privileges. Therefore, any additional security measures you take are desirable and contribute to the greater security of the most important aspect – the administration and administrator access. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to better secure the administration of WordPress. How to better secure WordPress administration? Basic elements … Read more

Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress?

proč mi nefunguje https na wordpressu?

You have WordPress installed, SSL certificate is active on your web hosting, yet you still ask yourself the basic question – “Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress?” The green padlock does not appear in the browser, instead, a padlock with a warning is displayed. The reason can sometimes be very simple. It’s called mixed content on the website. Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress? To make HTTPS fully functional under all circumstances, the source code of the website must also be prepared for it. Simply put, all internal and external links used in … Read more

How to manually install WordPress using FTP

video návod instalace wordpressu

In this video, I would like to show you how to manually install WordPress using FTP on web hosting provided by Forpsi. However, the installation process is practically the same on all web hosting programs and it doesn’t matter whether you are using a website from Forpsi or not. Forpsi company Forpsi is a Czech company specializing in providing internet services and hosting solutions for both businesses and individuals. Since 1997, they have focused on high-quality technical support and the reliability of their services. Currently, Forpsi offers a wide range of products, including web hosting, … Read more

How do you change your browser’s background color on a mobile device


You may have encountered this somewhere before, browsing the web on your mobile phone. For some sites, the browser has changed color to make its appearance fit into the overall contrast of the entire site. Make sure the browser has the same color tone as the site’s overall graphics. And maybe one of you thought of the question, how can you change the color of your browser’s background? The answer is, very simply, using a meta tag. But to see what I’m talking about on a case-by-case basis, I’ll show you an example: How do … Read more

How to enable web content searching and indexing on WordPress

Jak povolit prohledávání a indexování obsahu webu Na WordPressu

When you install WordPress, in its last section there is a checkbox with a setting that defines the indexation of the web. It’s a setting that determines whether you want to index the web using search robots or not. If you decide during the installation process that you do not want to index your site, it is good to know how to enable web content searching and indexing on WordPress later. How to enable web content searching and indexing on WordPress Before you change the settings, take a look on situations, when and why you … Read more

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