How to insert custom codes into WordPress

Jak do WordPressu vkládat vlastní kódy

When making various modifications to the functions and behavior of WordPress, you may occasionally find yourself in a situation where you need to insert certain code into a file such as functions.php or a plugin file. This is not necessarily a problem if you are familiar with the basics of programming languages and know where to insert the code. The problem arises when you are not sure about this. Even a small mistake in inserting the code can have fatal consequences for your website. In this article, I will show you how to insert custom … Read more

How to disable emojis in WordPress

Jak ve WordPressu vypnout emotikony

Emojis were first introduced in WordPress version 4.2. They are small images designed to convey the writer’s current emotions in a post. Sadness, joy, happiness, or tears… However, by displaying emojis, WordPress unnecessarily loads additional CSS styles and JavaScripts. Therefore, for a website where there is no need for this functionality, we can easily turn off emojis and save time in loading the website. Emojis can be disabled just like almost anything in WordPress using a plugin. But it can also be done without one. And since I don’t like using plugins to solve any … Read more

Your WordPress has been hacked. 10 signs to look out for.

10 znamení podel kterých poznáte, že Váš WordPress byl hacknut

As WordPress is currently one of the most popular content management systems for website creation, unfortunately, it is also a frequent target of attackers. Additionally, websites built on WordPress are often created by people with only basic knowledge of its security. Consequently, it is very common to see websites that have not been updated for months or even years, which makes them an easy target for attacks. In this article, I will discuss 10 signs that your WordPress has been hacked. Your WordPress has been hacked. 10 signs to look out for. You notice a … Read more

The data structure of WordPress

Datová struktura WordPressu

The data structure of WordPress is a complex system with many different folders and subfolders. If you log in to your website’s FTP, you will primarily see three main folders where WordPress stores various data based on its usage. This article will focus on what the data structure of WordPress looks like and its main folders and files. We will also discuss their significance in the functionality of this popular content management system. Which files and folders are included in a newly installed WordPress? wp-admin wp-content wp-includes index.php license.txt readme.html wp-activate.php wp-blog-header.php wp-comments-post.php wp-config-sample.php wp-cron.php … Read more

How to enable debug mode and debug log in WordPress

Jak ve WordPressu zapnout debug mode a debug log

If you own a website built on WordPress, you have probably experienced situations when a plugin or the content management system didn’t work correctly. This situation happens often, and it can be helpful to look under the hood of the errors that WordPress generates. To make it easier to identify the error, WordPress has a tool called debug mode. By enabling this feature, you can more easily find errors.  Also, with the option to turn on logging, get a final output of error messages that you can use to begin troubleshooting. In this article, I … Read more

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