How to disable automatic updates in WordPress

Jak ve WordPressu zakázat automatické aktualizace

As a website owner, you should never underestimate the security of your WordPress site. Automatic updates are one of the steps that help keep your CMS secure. Not only do you minimize the risk of security vulnerabilities, but you also gain new features that come with updates. However, despite this undeniable fact, there may be situations where automatic updates can be a problem. For example, when upgrading to a new core version. Therefore, it is sometimes not only good but also appropriate to deactivate automatic updates. This should be done only temporarily until you resolve … Read more

WordPress 6.2 and a fatal error: allowed memory size.

WordPress 6.2 a fatal error: allowed memory size.

The popular and widely used content management system WordPress received a major update to version 6.2 this week. And as with any major WordPress update, there have been quite a few issues. Well, to be precise, not with everyone. What I generally noticed is that the most problems occurred with memory exhaustion on shared hosting, where php.ini cannot be modified. So what to do after updating to WordPress 6.2 and a fatal error: allowed memory size? WordPress 6.2 and a fatal error: allowed memory size. What actually happened? fatal error: allowed memory size of 268435456 … Read more

Taxonomy in WordPress

Taxonomie ve WordPressu

WordPress is one of the most popular tools for creating websites and blogs. One of the key elements of WordPress is its taxonomy. Taxonomy in WordPress allows you to organize content on your website into categories and tags. In this article, we will take a closer look at what taxonomies are in WordPress and how they work. We’ll also explore how you can use them effectively. What is taxonomy in WordPress? Taxonomy is a way to organize data. In the context of websites, taxonomy is used to organize content on web pages. In WordPress, there … Read more

How to delay display a new article in RSS on WordPress

Jak oddálit zobrazení nového článku v RSS ve WordPressu

Do you need to delay the display of your new WordPress post in the RSS feed? Extending the time it takes for your post to appear in the RSS feed can save you in bad situations. For example, you accidentally publish a post that is not ready. This gives you time to finish the post, correct any mistakes, and add missing parts. In this article, we will look at how to delay the display of a new post in the RSS feed in WordPress. Why delay the display of a new article in RSS? Sometimes, … Read more

Converting images to .webp

Konverze obrázků do .webp

When it comes to optimizing your website for faster loading times, you might have wondered what image format you should be using. The choice of image format can be crucial when you’re not only optimizing for search engines but also for performance. In the past, formats like .jpg, .jpeg, and .png were commonly used, but they are not necessarily suitable for modern websites anymore. The size of images plays an important role, and that’s why this article will focus on the converting images to .webp format. Converting images to .webp In today’s world, not only … Read more

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