How to use headings in articles

Jak používat nadpisy ve článcích

Headings are an essential component of web design and enable users to quickly and easily understand the content of a webpage. Moreover, headings are crucial for SEO, as search engines use them to determine the content and relevance of the webpage for the user. In this article, we will explore the principles of using headings in HTML, the differences between various levels of headings, and how to use headings effectively to maximize the user experience and SEO. So let’s take a closer look at how to use headings in articles, such as on a blog. … Read more

Tool for tracking user behavior on the web

Nástroj pro sledování chování uživatelů na webu

Getting to know your website users can be crucial in terms of designing the website layout and its interactive elements. As a website owner, you would agree that it’s important to know what your website users are doing. Or, where they are clicking too. Based on such data, you are able to adjust or relocate key website elements that should be visible at first glance. In this article, I want to introduce you to a tool for tracking user behavior on the web – Hotjar. Also I want to show you how to integrate it … Read more

How to disable file editing in WordPress administration

Jak zakázat editaci souborů v administraci WordPressu

WordPress includes an internal editor for theme template files, which allows logged-in users to manually manipulate the source code. This gives you the ability to modify the functions and behavior of the theme template, which can be convenient on one hand, but a security risk on the other. In my opinion, it’s definitely better to disable this feature (I’ll explain why below) and handle any necessary edits via FTP or code snippets. In this article, I’ll show you how to disable file editing in the WordPress administration. How to disable file editing in WordPress administration … Read more

The reasons to wait for the WordPress 6.2 update

Důvody, proč počkat s aktualizací na WordPress 6.2.

The developers have released a new version of WordPress 6.2 on March 29, 2023. This version brings a major update that may disrupt existing website elements. Newly added features can, for example, affect plugins, theme designs, translations, libraries, and packages that are not currently compatible with this version. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the reasons to wait for the WordPress 6.2 update. The reasons to wait for the update to WordPress 6.2: The WordPress 6.2 version improves performance, tightens security, fixes bugs, and adds a range of new features. However, it may happen that … Read more

WordPress fatal memory error after upgrading to version 6.2.

Vyčerpání paměti u WordPressu po přechodu na verzi 6.2

After the release of the WordPress update to version 6.2, users across the internet are still reporting website crashes. Typically, these crashes result in a critical error message indicating a memory limit has been exceeded. Once this occurs, the website becomes completely non-functional, and it’s impossible to access the WordPress administration panel. Given the large number of users reporting this issue, it’s clear that there is a reason for this memory exhaustion. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at WordPress fatal memory error after upgrading to version 6.2. WordPress fatal memory error after … Read more

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