How to set up SSL for WordPress with Cloudflare DNS

Jak nastavit SSL u webu na WordPressu a používání služby Clouflare

If you have web hosting set up with any web hosting provider but also use DNS servers and services from CloudFlare, sooner or later you will probably need to address how to set up HTTPS traffic on your website. CloudFlare offers several available options that we will look at today. Not all of them can be used all the time, and not all of them work without assistance with WordPress. So we will thoroughly discuss how to set up SSL for WordPress with Cloudflare DNS. What does Cloudflare do? Cloudflare is a company that provides … Read more

The sitemap.xml file and its usage.

Soubor sitemap.xml a jeho využití

The sitemap.xml file is used to map the web pages on your website. Its purpose is to provide search engines, such as Google or Bing, with information about all the pages on your website, so they can better index its content. With the sitemap.xml file, search engines can display your pages more quickly and efficiently in their search results. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the sitemap.xml file and its usage. What the sitemap.xml file contains The sitemap.xml file contains a list of all the URLs on your website, as well as … Read more

The robots.txt file and its examples

Soubor robots.txt a jeho příklady

The robots.txt file is a text file that specifies which pages or sections of a web server can be indexed by search engines such as Google, Seznam, Bing, etc. Essentially, this file serves as an instruction for search engines to not index sensitive or unwanted content on your website. It is a simple way to tell search engines which pages can or cannot be included in their search results. Let’s take a closer look at the robots.txt file and its examples. The robots.txt file is uploaded to the root directory of the website. For example, … Read more

How to redirect a domain

jak přesměrovat doménu

If you need to redirect one domain to another or directly to a specific URL address, there are several ways to do so. If the domain does not have its own web hosting, the registrar of the domain can usually provide such a service for a fee. However, if the domain has its own web hosting, this hosting can be used for redirection. There are several methods available, and today we will take a look , how to redirect a domain. The advantage of using a 301 permanent redirect Of course, a domain can also … Read more

Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress?

proč mi nefunguje https na wordpressu?

You have WordPress installed, SSL certificate is active on your web hosting, yet you still ask yourself the basic question – “Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress?” The green padlock does not appear in the browser, instead, a padlock with a warning is displayed. The reason can sometimes be very simple. It’s called mixed content on the website. Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress? To make HTTPS fully functional under all circumstances, the source code of the website must also be prepared for it. Simply put, all internal and external links used in … Read more

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