Certified courses worth tens of Euros completely for free

kurzy v hodnotě desítek Eur zdarma

Are you looking for ways to advance your career from home in the evenings? Perhaps you’re searching for courses that interest you, offering the chance to gain new knowledge? This is where the portal https://udemy.com comes in, offering such courses. While the courses are certified, unfortunately, they are paid for some. And the prices aren’t always budget-friendly. If the courses aren’t on sale, they can often cost up to 90 Euros, which is quite a lot. However, there is a way to access these certified courses worth tens of Euros for free. And by that, … Read more

OpenAI has its own search robot called GPTBot

OpenAI má vlastního vyhledávacího robota GPTBot

Just as the internet is crawled by Google, Yahoo, or the Russian Yandex, GPTBot has now become a part of the family of other search robots. The company OpenAI released it on the internet for a simple reason. OpenAI has released it on the internet for a simple reason. It will be indexing web content, and the company will use the information for the development and training of new models within the GPT family. OpenAI has its own search robot called GPTBot, specifically on Microsoft’s servers, with which it collaborates closely. Similar to other robots, … Read more

Chat GPT was able to generate license keys for Windows 10

Chat GPT dokázal generovat licenční klíče k Windows 10

Chat GPT is capable of many things, and it all depends on how skillfully you write your prompt to avoid security blocks. Recently, a user named @immasiddtweets shared on their Twitter a method by which they easily managed to get Chat GPT to generate license keys for Windows 10 PRO. They asked Chat GPT to pretend to be their deceased grandmother and mentioned in the prompt that she used to read them Windows 10 license keys before bedtime to help them fall asleep. Based on this prompt, Chat GPT was able to generate license keys … Read more

How can you try Chat GPT 4 on your mobile?

Jak jsem zkusil s ChatGPT napsat povídku

Curious about how the new version of Chat GPT 4 works? Now you have the opportunity to try it out for free. This highly utilized artificial intelligence from OpenAI has been tested by many. While the free version 3.5 is available for everyone, OpenAI and Microsoft recently released a new version, numbered 4. So take a look, how can you try Chat GPT 4 on your mobile device? How can you try Chat GPT 4 on your mobile? First, let’s discuss how Chat GPT version 4 outperforms version 3.5. GPT 4 has a larger contextual … Read more

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