How to make an insect hotel

jak vyrobit hmyzí hotel

We own a small garden on the outskirts of the city. It serves us during spring and summer as a place to grow herbs and various vegetables, or purely as a spot to relax. Since I have a young son, I wanted to teach him about all the living things in our garden. And there is nothing better than creating a place for beetles, solitary bees, and other such small “critters” to hide. That’s where an insect hotel comes in. Of course, you can buy one almost anywhere, but either I wasn’t satisfied with the … Read more

Cooperative computer games for kids

kooperativní hry na počítač pro děti

As my son has grown up and become interested in computers and computer games, I’ve been faced with the question of what game to choose as a dad. However, I still believe that children should have toys, cars, and board games in their hands, rather than a computer. Nonetheless, when we do turn it on from time to time, I wanted us to play something that makes sense. That’s why I started looking for interesting cooperative computer games for kids, as well as for adults. The requirements for selecting a game were clear. The game … Read more

Three most popular applications for time management

time management

I must admit, I’m not the type of person who carries unimportant things in my head, and I simply don’t do it. Well, unless I have to. Whatever I can, I write down, and what I don’t write, I will probably forget. Yes, it’s true. Unfortunately, today’s world is fast-paced, with a plethora of information coming from every corner, and thanks to the advent of modern technology, I almost always have at least a phone or smartwatch with me. And since I sometimes have a lot on my plate, I’ve learned to personalize my time … Read more

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