Social Engineering In The Context Of Cybersecurity

Sociální inženýrství v kontextu kybernetické bezpečnosti

Social engineering is a complex term that refers to dangerous practices used by some individuals in the IT field. It is aimed at gaining unauthorized access to valuable information. Although it may seem like something out of an action movie, social engineering is a real threat that can jeopardize both your personal security and the security of your data. Let’s take a closer look at what social engineering means in the context of cybersecurity, as it is a very interesting concept. Social Engineering in the Context of Cybersecurity Let’s illustrate it with an example that … Read more

What Is The Attack Called Man In The Middle?

Co je to útok zvaný Man in the Middle

You might have heard of various types of cyber attacks, but what is the attack called Man in the Middle? It is a cunning type of attack that can jeopardize your security and privacy in the online world. Security experts often refer to this attack as one of the most dangerous and well-hidden ones. Let’s take a close look at it. Imagine you are online, communicating with your bank account, social media, or shopping on an online store. You expect that your data is secure, and no one else but you and the server you … Read more

Is It Good To Deactivate Heartbeat In WordPress?

Je dobré deaktivovat Heartbeat ve WordPressu?

On the internet, you’ll find numerous articles describing WordPress backend optimization and speeding up administration. Many of these sources suggest that disabling the Heartbeat function in WordPress is a great way to achieve faster administration and responsiveness. However, let’s ask a simple question: Is it good to deactivate Heartbeat in WordPress? Definitely not, or to be more precise, not always. Disabling Heartbeat can actually bring more issues than benefits in certain cases. Let’s see why below. What is the purpose of the WordPress Heartbeat function? The WordPress core maintains a connection between the browser and … Read more

Keep track of the changes made on the WordPress website

Zaznamenávejte si provedené změny na webu

Let’s look at a lighter and shorter topic regarding website management on WordPress. This topic is about changes on the live site. Specifically, why it should be important for you to keep track of the configuration and settings changes. The explanation will be straightforward, and I’ll demonstrate it through a practical example. So, the advice to “keep track of the changes made on the WordPress website” won’t be given lightly. This advice will also be helpful to those who feel that nothing can surprise them when it comes to WordPress. Keep track of the changes … Read more

What is the CIA triad and what is the purpose of this concept?

Co je to CIA triáda a k čemu tento koncept slouží

The CIA triad is an information security concept that plays a crucial role in safeguarding data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This term emerged as a fundamental guideline to ensure information security. It is widely utilized in the IT security and cyber environment. Let’s delve into the basics of cybersecurity and what is the CIA triad and what is the purpose of this concept. It constitutes a fundamental element in how cybersecurity operates. What is the CIA triad and what is the purpose of this concept? During the process of digitization and the rise of information … Read more

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