How can you easily clear the DNS cache?

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Last updated December 5th, 2023 23:05

The DNS cache, also known as DNS cache, is a critical component of internet infrastructure. It stores recent queries to any DNS servers, significantly speeding up the loading of web pages on your computer. When a user enters a web address into a browser, the device first asks a DNS server for the corresponding IP address. The DNS cache comes into play when the computer receives this response. Instead of repeatedly querying remote servers, it saves this response to memory. This speeds up webpage loading as it eliminates the time-consuming search for IP addresses. However, this isn’t always ideal. That’s why we’ll explore how you can clear the DNS cache and when it’s appropriate.

Why is it necessary to occasionally clear the DNS cache?

Jak můžete vymazat mezipaměť DNS?

First, let’s discuss when it’s appropriate to clear the DNS cache. Such a situation usually arises in these cases:

  • You can’t connect to a specific website.
  • You’ve migrated a website to a different server, and the computer still remembers the original IP address, even though you have the new one stored in DNS.
  • The domain returns different records than those currently set in the DNS.

In the above cases, the issue might be caused by the DNS cache. Put simply, the computer has stored original and outdated records in its cache that no longer correspond to what the domain currently has configured in the DNS system. By clearing the DNS cache, you’ll prompt the computer to query the DNS servers again. This action ensures the computer acquires the correct information and IP addresses, as the outdated data from the DNS cache will no longer be a factor.

DNS Cache Across Different Operating Systems

DNS cache clearing methods vary across different operating systems. To clear the DNS cache, you’ll use the command line interface. Depending on the operating system, you’ll first need to open the command line. For MS Windows, use the Windows + R shortcut and type CMD. In other systems like Linux or Mac OS, the command line is typically available under the name “Terminal.” Let’s explore the specific commands that clear the DNS cache in each operating system.

How to Clear DNS Cache on Windows:

  • Press the Windows + R keys to open the “Run” dialog box.
  • Type “cmd” and press Enter.
  • In the command prompt, type: ipconfig /flushdns
  • Press Enter.

How to Clear DNS Cache on Linux

For most Linux distributions (with root user privileges):

  • Open the terminal (command line).
  • Use the command to flush the DNS cache: sudo systemd-resolve –flush-caches

Ubuntu or Debian (with root user privileges):

  • Open the terminal (command line).
  • Use the command to flush the DNS cache: sudo service systemd-resolved restart

Arch Linux:

  • Open the terminal (command line).
  • Use the command to flush the DNS cache: sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

How to Clear DNS Cache on Mac OS:

  • Open Terminal, the command line application in macOS. You can find it in Applications > Utilities.
  • Enter the following command: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

How can you easily clear the DNS cache?

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

Ideally, when experiencing difficulties connecting to websites or after making changes to DNS records. This primarily includes actions like migrating a website to a different server.

Clearing the DNS cache occasionally improves access to websites by prompting the system to re-query for the current IP addresses of servers.

Clearing the DNS cache deals with storing server IP addresses, while clearing the browser history involves storing information about visited websites in the browser.

Clearing the DNS cache typically doesn’t impact the security of the device. It’s more related to the process of translating domain names into IP addresses.

Clearing the DNS cache removes stored server IP addresses. This prompts the system to re-query for IP addresses when connecting to websites again.


Once you clear the DNS cache, the operating system or internet browser will begin to query the DNS system again to locate the specified domains. Since the cache will be empty, logically the browser won’t use it at that moment. This process ensures retrieving correct and currently set records from the DNS system that are valid for the domain at that time.

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