Elementor is changing its pricing policy and will increase prices

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Last updated December 5th, 2023 23:14

The highly popular web-building plugin, Elementor, will become more expensive starting from December 2023. The changes mainly affect the Essential plan, for which Elementor developers currently charge $59 annually. Although the actual price won’t change, Elementor is changing its pricing policy and will increase prices by no longer providing all the currently available features within this basic plan. For instance, functionalities like the PayPal button, pop-up windows, e-commerce features, and many others won’t be included. If you rely on these features, the basic Essential plan won’t be sufficient anymore. In essence, Elementor is changing its pricing policy and will push you towards purchasing a significantly more expensive plan to access the functionalities that were previously commonly used.

Elementor is changing its pricing policy and will increase prices

Like everything else, this change has its exceptions. For example, users who are already using and have paid for this plan can breathe a sigh of relief. The functionalities will remain unchanged for these existing users. Therefore, the issue arises primarily and solely for new Elementor users.

Here is a statement directly from the company, commenting on the pricing change:

What is the current price of Elementor?

This change in pricing, or rather, in what features each plan will offer, will specifically take place on December 4, 2023. Currently, Elementor offers a total of 4 plans ranging from $59 to $399. This pricing structure is likely to remain unchanged. Only the offerings within each plan are changing.

Elementor mění cenovou politiku a zdraží

The WordPress Response

Regarding the redistribution of available features within Elementor and their basic Essential plan, even the co-founder of WordPress and CEO of Automattic (Matt Mullenweg) responded.

He indirectly revealed WordPress’s strategy, which involves integrating new features into their primary editor, Gutenberg. However, while Gutenberg might be improving with each new WordPress version, many users simply don’t like it. Simply put, it’s nowhere near as intuitive as paid page builders like Elementor, Oxygen, or Divi.

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